Winning Hearts

Winning Hearts

Here are 11 pieces of advice to help you in winning others hearts. My pieces of advice are like arrows that aim at shooting hearts as its only target. I mean here, to be the virtuous merits, that captivate others hearts and help in overcoming imperfections. Actually, such ... Continue Reading

The Virtues of Allah's sacred month of Muharram and Fasting on 'Aashooraa'

What are the virtues of the month of Muharram and fasting 'Aashooraa'?

Praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and Chief of the Messengers, and upon all his family and companions. Allah's sacred month of ...

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Choosing Your Friends

Humans have always been social creatures and in need of friends and companions. A good part of our lives is spent in interaction with others. For Muslims like us who are living in a society where we are clearly a minority, the issue of choosing the right companions is essential for preserving ... Continue Reading

Why Muslims Love the Month of Ramadan?

Islam uses a lunar calendar-that is, each month begins with the sighting of the new moon, therefore because the lunar calendar is about 11 days shorter than the solar calendar, Islamic months "move" each year. This year (2008) the Islamic month of Ramadan coincides almost exactly with the month ...

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Who is the Dajjaal?

Q: Who is the Dajjaal and what are his attributes?

A: Praise be to Allaah.

Meaning of the word Maseeh (Messiah)
There are over fifty scholarly comments on the meaning of the word Maseeh (Messiah). They said that this word is applied both to the Truthful One [True Messiah, i.e., 'Eesa ...

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