Tag: palestine

IV. Zionist Propaganda & the Myth of the Holocaust

In continuation of my review of the history of the international Zionist movement, I think it is crucial to reevaluate the strong version of the Zionist claimed Nazi Holocaust. Because of the intensive and exaggerated propaganda around the Holocaust, the Zionist movement was able to attract a ...

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III. Balfour Declaration and the Zionist Opportunistic Nature

Because of the great importance of revealing major aspects about the history of Zionism, two more essays will be devoted to providing a historical account of the international Zionist movement. A number of rationales were behind such discourse: (a) The current need of the Muslims to know ...

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II. Zionists Reject Uganda

When Herzl's attempts to obtain a charter to grant the Jews a home in Palestine failed because of Sultan Abd al-Hamid's complete rejection of the idea, he organized the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. Two hundred Jewish delegates attended from all over the world. The conference ...

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I. Early Beginnings of Contemporary Zionism

Among the few Western Middle East specialists who have handled Middle Eastern issues with objectivity and in depth is Robert Fisk, the Middle East correspondent for The Independent. Reading his interesting book (Pity the Nation), helped me to deduce his journalistic talent, seriousness and ...

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