The Janaaza Prayer (part 2)

About Janaaza prayer and Dua' for the dead ... more

Etiquette of visiting graves

If I want to visit my father's grave, what should I do? What is the etiquette of visiting graveyards? Are there any things I should pay attention to? ... more

Burial of the Deceased (part 3/3)

We have already discussed in detail preparing the body of the deceased and the actual burial of the deceased. We now consider what happens after the burial. ... more

Burial of the Deceased (part 2/3)

There are 2 main methods for placing the body of the deceased into the grave:... ... more

Burial of the Deceased (part 1/3)

The Prophet (Peace and Salutations upon him) encouraged haste in burial of the deceased. This includes the entire process from ghusl to burial, but in particular it refers to carrying the body of the deceased from the Janaaza to the burial. ... more

Are you ready to do the funeral pray when I die?

Are you ready and prepared to do the funeral pray when I die

{In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful}

My dear son:
Are you ready and prepared to do the funeral pray when I die?

It’s enough to know that our beloved prophet (PBUH) has said: «if a man ...

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Constant Awareness of Being 'Prepared'



It is a duty upon every sane person to be prepared for his departure (from this world), for one does not know when he will be served by his Lord’s commands (to take away his soul) nor does he know how long it is going to be before he will be summoned (for the Day of Judgment).

I ...
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The last five minutes of your life


Imagine that you are a passenger and the pilot informs you that you have five minutes before your plane will fatally crash, how would you spend your last 5 minutes?...
In October 1999, the co-pilot of Egyptian Airlines flight 990 said, in the few seconds before his plane crash ...
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The Benefits of Trials and Tribulations

Ibn Rajab concludes that if the person truly realizes and understands the above, "he will know that the bounty that comes from Allah to a believer due to his trials is greater than the bounty that comes from Allah during his times of ease." ... more

Be in this life as if you were a stranger or a traveller on a path

Taken from Jami’ al-U’lum wal-Hikam [With the authentication of Salim al-Hilali.
Hadeeth #40:

Ibn Umar (Radhiallahu ‘Anhum) said: «Allaah’s Messenger (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam) took me by my shoulder and said: “Be in this life as if you were a stranger or a traveller on a path.”

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A Good Death

These are just some of the beautiful examples of a good ending from our predecessors, besides what we know from the good endings from companions. Such as the one whom upon hearing that Paradise was as wide as the heavens and the earth flung himself into the midst of the battle to attain it. ... more

She’s My Sister - A True Story about Death

Her cheeks were worn and sunken and her skin hugged her bones. That didn’t stop her though; you could never catch her not reciting Qur’an. Always vigil in her personal prayer room Dad had set up for her...A true story about death! ... more

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