There are 83 Results for: "الدنيا"
  • Tips for the Muslim Family
    Published at: 24 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1298
    Among the greatest favors Allah confers upon a man is to expand his breast to embrace Islam, and be from the ummah of Muhammad, the master of mankind, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. That is indeed, by Allah, the best favor and the greatest blessing, as confirmed by Allah Almighty in His statement
    Published at: 10 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1315
  • Signs of the Hour
    Belief in the Last Day and the reward and punishment it will bring is one of the basic pillars of faith in Islam.
    Published at: 26 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 1202
  • Raise Your Complaints to the Creator
    When the trials of this temporary life burden us, piling heavily within us, a need to release them, to complain, to call out for help urgently arises. It is a means through which we lighten the load and hopefully find some light.
    Published at: 29 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1325
  • Tears of the Repentant
    Repentance is a means to obtain the love of Allah Almighty, and it is enough honor of this virtue to repent. Allah Almighty has said: {Truly, Allâh loves those who turn unto Him in repentance} [Surat Al-Baqarah: 222]
    Published at: 13 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 516
  • The glorification and derogation
    The right of the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) upon us is to love him, obey him, follow him, glorify him and respect him without exaggeration or derogation.
    Published at: 25 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 898
  • What after Pilgrimage?
    My Pilgrim Brother... Accepted Pilgrimage and Praised Seeking... But...What after Pilgrimage?
    Published at: 15 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 360
  • The Message of the blessed month of Ramadan
    These are short and restricted advice and guidelines about the month of Ramadan and the acts of worship that are desired in it; this in addition to the defaults and shortage that are observed in some Muslims...
    Published at: 9 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 7521
  • The Muslim woman path to happiness
    The most important thing that characterizes Muslims; whether a man or a woman, whose hearts are attached to Allah, and who apply His Shari'a (set of laws) in their lives, is the psychological ease and inward tranquility.
    Published at: 15 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1828
  • Virtues of the Last 10 Nights
    The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to strive hard (in worship) during the last ten days of Ramadan in a way that he did not strive at any other times. [Muslim, 1175, from 'A'ishah]
    Published at: 10 Safar 1434 | Views Count: 691
  • The Story of the Cross
    O beloved ones for the sake of Allah lets roam around in the gardens of the Qur`an, in our first gathering of the interpretation of Surat Mariam.
    Published at: 3 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 2811