There are 464 Results for:
  • Hisnal Mu'min
    Various Scholars
    Published at: 26 Rabi' al-awwal 1439 | Views Count: 30
  • Human Rights in Islam
    Various Scholars
    This book, Human Rights in Islam, sheds ample light on the question of human rights in Islam. These rights, as outlined in the Qur’an and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), aim to teach man to lead a life of compassion and dignity, so that he acquires good qualities and deals with others in the best manner.
    Published at: 26 Rabi' al-awwal 1439 | Views Count: 24
  • Islamic Perspective on Sex
    Various Scholars
    This book, The Islamic Perspective on Sex, discusses the Islamic approach to sex and how to satisfy sexual desires in the proper and beneficial way. Indeed, when conducted in the proper and lawful manner, sex may be elevated to the rank of worship. Thus a Muslim is rewarded for it in the same manner as he or she is rewarded when doing other good deeds.
    Published at: 26 Rabi' al-awwal 1439 | Views Count: 43
  • Islam is the Regligion of Peace
    Various Scholars
    Islam: the Religion of Peace, shows with clarity that Islam is the religion of perfect peace and that the spread of Islam means the spread of peace throughout the world. Muslims must always be true to their promises and covenants and must treat others with justice and com passion, particularly those who are weak and vulnerable.
    Published at: 27 Rabi' al-awwal 1439 | Views Count: 26
  • Jesus in the Quran
    Various Scholars
    This book, Jesus in the Qur’an, speaks first about people’s need to receive the divine message through prophets. They need this as much as they need food and drink to survive, if not more. God’s messengers and prophets were assigned the task of giving people the right concept of God, their Creator, and explaining to them how to earn His pleasure and acceptance, and how to avoid incurring His anger.
    Published at: 27 Rabi' al-awwal 1439 | Views Count: 40
  • The Messenger of God Muhammad
    Various Scholars
    Published at: 27 Rabi' al-awwal 1439 | Views Count: 47
  • My First Steps in Islam
    Various Scholars
    For non-Muslim readers this book explains how to embrace Islam, showing that this does not require much effort and a person who wishes to become a Muslim only needs to make a simple but far-reaching declaration of belief in God’s oneness and the message of Islam: “I bear witness that there is no deity other than God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is God’s servant and messenger.”
    Published at: 5 Rabi' al-thani 1439 | Views Count: 40
  • Romance in Islam
    Various Scholars
    This book, Romance in Islam, highlights the great importance Islam attaches to love. It shows that the love of God is the best and most noble love and when it is rooted in a person’s heart, it sets that person’s behaviour on the right footing, elevates his emotions and feelings and removes selfishness.
    Published at: 5 Rabi' al-thani 1439 | Views Count: 28
  • The Beginning and the End
    Various Scholars
    This book, Life: the Beginning and the End, deals with questions of the creation, existence and progress of the universe. This is a subject that has been raised by many communities throughout the ages, yet Islam addressed it in a most direct and clear way right from its earliest days.
    Published at: 5 Rabi' al-thani 1439 | Views Count: 21
  • The Key to Understanding Islam
    Various Scholars
    This book, The Key to Understanding Islam , states from the outset that the Qur’an is not a book of science. However, Islam respects science and scientists, giving them high status in Islamic society, and tells its followers to afford scientists the respect they deserve. The author informs his readers that he has no intention to relate the Qur’an to modern scientific discoveries. He only cites Qur’anic verses that refer to such discoveries as science have made in our present time.
    Published at: 5 Rabi' al-thani 1439 | Views Count: 36
  • The Message of Islam
    Various Scholars
    This book, The Message of Islam, begins by asserting the important fact that the faith of Islam, its worship, rules governing people’s transactions and all its teachings have remained the same as they were taught by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over fourteen hundred years ago. No change or alteration has ever been introduced into them and any deviations from the message that have arisen are because it is Muslims themselves who have changed. Therefore, when individual Muslims commit deeds that Islam prohibits their actions do not reflect Islam.
    Published at: 5 Rabi' al-thani 1439 | Views Count: 27
  • Women In Islam
    Various Scholars
    This book, Women in Islam, begins by shedding light on the status of women prior to Islam. It explains that women were ill-treated and humiliated in many cultures. Indeed, in some societies, women were considered the property of men and could be bought, sold and inherited. Women were generally treated as inferior to men and some communities even blamed women for the misfortune and shame that might befall their families.
    Published at: 7 Rabi' al-thani 1439 | Views Count: 21

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