There are 392 Results for: "الألباني"
  • Tears of the Repentant
    Repentance is a means to obtain the love of Allah Almighty, and it is enough honor of this virtue to repent. Allah Almighty has said: {Truly, Allâh loves those who turn unto Him in repentance} [Surat Al-Baqarah: 222]
    Published at: 13 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 516
  • Hajj…lessons and parables
    And Made it a secure sacred place where no blood is shed in nor a Muslim is horrid, hunting is not allowed in it, lost things are not picked from its grounds unless to be verified.
    Published at: 6 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1182
  • The Nullifiers of Faith
    Believing in Allah is the most precious thing a believer owns, if he loses it then it is a manifest loss...
    Published at: 11 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 560
  • Message for purifying the self
    These are few words and little sentences of knowledge. However, they are very important, because they are the guidelines of Ahlul Sunnah Wa Al-Jama'ah concerning behavior and recovering the selves and purifying them to enable them to acquire the essence
    Published at: 8 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 473
  • The men of dawn
    Those are the men of dawn. They are the people who answered the caller of love when he called ‘come to success’; they gave their selves and sacrificed their lusts in order to reach to their Beloved One.
    Published at: 26 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 333
  • The Story of the Cross
    O beloved ones for the sake of Allah lets roam around in the gardens of the Qur`an, in our first gathering of the interpretation of Surat Mariam.
    Published at: 3 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 2811
  • Why do I pray?
    Many people have started to neglect Salat in our times and see it as a heavy burden. So, were you to remind them of it, some would look for excuses to justify themselves, saying they are busy now with some important matters.
    Published at: 10 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1503
  • Calm conversation between Abdullah & Abdel-Naby
    A man called Abdullah met another man called Abdel-Naby. Abdullah’s heart disapproved this name, Abdel-Naby, and said: “How could a man worship other than Allah the Almighty?” Then he asked Abdel-Naby: “Do you worship other than Allah?” “No, I worship none but Allah. I am Muslim and I worship Allah alone.” Abdel-Naby replied.
    Published at: 4 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 2653

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