- None was dearer to me than the Messenger of Allah
- Abdulaziz bin Mohammad al-Abdullatif
- A caravan departed Iraq in 394 A.H. for performing Hajj in a time of fear and scare of the Bedouins and the thieves of pilgrims. After performing Hajj, the leader of the caravan decided to return quickly to Baghdad and not to go to the Prophetic City for fear of those thieves. However,...
- Published at: 7 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 511
- What does prevent you from offering Hajj?
- Although you have good health and abundance of money, and I ask Allah to grant you more bounties, what prevents you from offering Hajj?
- Published at: 10 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 656
- Deadly Love
- {But if they answer you not (i.e. do not bring the Book nor believe in your doctrine of Islâmic Monotheism), then know that they only follow their own lusts} [Surat Al-Qasas 28:50].
- Published at: 7 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1567
- Oh father! This message is for you
- Oh father! This is my message to you... where I express my sorrow and grief... my concerns and distress...
- Published at: 15 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 441
- Glorious Jumu'ah
- Glory be to Allah whom have distinguished Jumu’ah from the rest of the days in the world and hereafter and favored it by giving it a high rank making Muslims attentive and interested in it to the extent some of the pious considered it as an Eid
- Published at: 23 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 1078
- The Modernists in Light of Evolution
- It is truly unfortunate to see some Muslims promote the theory of evolution by relying on equivocal, mutashabih, verses of the Qur'an, some of which are clear metonym or kinaya, and leaving the unequivocal, muhkam verses.
- Published at: 29 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 534
- O Negligent - Be Ready
- About Repentance...
- Published at: 13 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 768
- Useful means of reform
- How bad and severe can the consequences be on individuals and the society when some of the seekers of knowledge and pious youth obstruct from participation in all community fields, abandoning the reform process by enjoining the good and forbidding evil and get pre-occupied with other stuff even if it was prosperous work or seeking knowledge.
- Published at: 26 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 267
- The Trusty of this Nation
- So he was called the trusty of this nation. Messenger of Allah gave him this name where he said, "Every nation has its trusty, and this nation's trusty is Abu 'Ubayda Ibn Al-Jarrah." [Reported By Al-Bukhari]
- Published at: 23 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 382
- Fear of Allah Almighty
- Fear of Allah Almighty is the highest rank of piety, since man could not attain the high ranks of the pious unless he feels afraid of Allah Almighty.
- Published at: 8 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 4328
- The evil deed
- Indeed; for the sins and evil deeds there are negative evil effects hurt the heart and body, in the worldly life and hereafter too, great hurt none knows its severity but Allah. Therefore; the prudent Muslim should escape the sins and evil deeds and get away from them.
- Published at: 25 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 3058
- The prayer of greeting the Masjid
- Allah’s greetings to his servants in the hereafter is Asalam (peace) also his name is Al-Salam (The All-Peaceful, The Bestower of peace), thus he made the greetings of people when meeting each other, “Asalamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatu llahi Wa barakatuh” Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings.
- Published at: 23 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 2628
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