There are 392 Results for: الألباني
  • Amulets & Its Evil
    All (Ruqaa, Amulets and love-charms) are all types of shirk, however this is not the case for all kinds of Ruqaa. This general rule has exceptions...
    Published at: 23 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 3972
  • What have you prepared for your death?
    Azhari Ahmed Mahmoud
    Say (O Muhammad peace be upon him): “Say, "For you is the appointment of a Day [when] you will not remain thereafter an hour, nor will you precede [it]." [Sabaa 34:30]
    Published at: 13 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 3484
  • Janaaza Prayer - Prayer upon the Deceased (part 1)
    Haitham Al-Haddad
    The consensus of the scholars is that prayer upon the deceased is a highly recommended act.
    Published at: 8 Safar 1434 | Views Count: 2617
  • The Way to Success
    Published at: 27 Jumada al-thani 1429 | Views Count: 2162
  • The greeting of Ramadan
    The month of Ramadan came to you with greetings add loftiness to its loftiness and augustness to its augustness. It came with the hunger and thirst where you see the food in the rich of your hand but you cannot eat it, and you find thirst burns your body
    Published at: 26 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 1917
  • Real Danger in our Homes
    Computer games invaded our markets, dominated the minds of our children, youth, and girls, and brought us customs and traditions that contradict with Islam. These devices vary depending on their sources, and the bestsellers of which are the play stations.
    Published at: 25 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 913
  • Happy Eid, What After Ramadan?
    Here are the beautiful days of Ramadan going away quickly. The winner is whoever exploits them in obeying Allah. The loser is whoever wastes them.
    Published at: 5 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 2161
  • Relief of the Needy
    Azhari Ahmed Mahmoud
    "whosoever would like that Allah saves him from the distresses of the hereafter, let he relieves or overlooks a debtor" [Reported by Muslim]
    Published at: 11 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 632
  • Sport and football
    While millions of people in the world are dying because of poverty, hunger, diseases and wars, the governments spend billions of Dollars on the football players, coaches and stadiums to win the football war and world cup.
    Published at: 1 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1049
  • The Sufis
    The word ‘Sufi’ was not known in the time of the Messenger or the companions or the followers. Then a group of the ascetics wore wool, which is called in Arabic ‘Suf’, so they are called ‘Sufis’.
    Published at: 26 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 1146
  • O Sister Beware of Fondness
    One of the phenomena which have attracted the attention of many people is "the phenomenon of fondness" amongst girls. It is a strange phenomenon that excites attention and bewilders minds and thoughts.
    Published at: 15 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 877
  • How a Patient Can Purify Himself and Pray?
    This is a concise paper about (How a Patient Can Purify Himself and Pray). May Allah benefit by it and write it in the balances of our deeds.
    Published at: 15 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1113

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