There are 437 Results for: "البخاري"
  • How to Convert to Islam?
    How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim?
    Published at: 19 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1414
  • Assalam Alaikum - The Islamic Greeting
    Why Muslims from all over the world use the same greeting.
    Published at: 22 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1650
  • The Jazira & Fitan before the Day of Judgment
    I thought it might be beneficial that we reflect on some of the ahadith regarding fitan in the Jazira prior to the Day of Judgment. Of course, we should remember that only Allah knows when these events will pass.
    Published at: 29 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1120
  • The Elderly and Fasting
    The elderly represents an age group including a number of different generations. Old age is not a disease but is a normal stage of life more vulnerable to diseases.
    Published at: 5 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 2965
  • The Holy Qur`an and the month of Ramadan
    The Holy Qur`an loves Ramadan and Ramadan loves the Holy Qur`an; they are beloved friends. Allah Almighty said: {The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur’ân, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong)} [Al-Baqarah: 185]
    Published at: 8 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 2748
  • Have you talked with your child today?
    Have you had a meaningful conversation together? Do you know what your child accomplished today, how he may be feeling, whether or not he has any concerns? Does your child know that you care about him?
    Published at: 24 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 477
  • The Missing Ingredients
    “Make matters easy, and do not make them difficult; and give glad tidings and do not turn people away.” [Bukhari]
    Published at: 22 Dhu al-Hijjah 1433 | Views Count: 446
  • The compulsory test
    Man passes through his lifetime by many tests, in which he has the choice of taking these tests or not. However, there is another kind of test; it is the compulsory test
    Published at: 20 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 354
  • Back to Ramadan of the Ancestors
    Allah Glorified and Exalted has characterized Ramadan with special traits and shiny virtues. He has made it the month of belief and piety, the month of the criterion (between right and wrong) and guidance. The rewards of deeds are multiplied. The degrees of the fasters are increased in this world and in the Hereafter.
    Published at: 15 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1026
  • The Eliminators of Good Deeds
    Published at: 5 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 602
  • The Origins of Shirk
    Muhammad NaserAldeen Al-Albani
    I say: In it is also a refutation of some of the philosophers and athists who claim that the (natural) basis of man is Shirk, and that Tawheed evolved in man!
    Published at: 19 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1052
  • Aisha, Your Mother
    Aisha, Your Mother, the Wife of Our Messenger in This Worldly Life and In the Hereafter
    Published at: 6 Muharram 1434 | Views Count: 1214

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