There are 464 Results for:
  • Black Magicand Evil Magicians
    Various Scholars
    We often hear about cases of lunacy, constant headaches and stomach aches, insomnia, lethargy, hearing voices, sexual inability, sterility, frigidity, shattered marriages, woman’s continuous bleeding; and we often tend to have the undemanding answer that ’it is Allah (SWA), or, as the ignorant would put it, ’it is nature.’ Certainly, it is undisputable that anything in the Heavens and the Earth is managed by Allah, but we should not discard that Allah; has also commanded us to consider the causes of events. It is high time that we stopped and considered for a moment that, besides normal causes, there is the evil force of Sihr, the Arabic equivalent to sorcery.
    Published at: 8 Jumada al-thani 1435 | Views Count: 494
    Various Scholars
    Book translated into English containing twelve studies on the origins of religion, including the explanation there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and explains the pillars of Islam, faith, polytheism and hypocrisy, Nullifiers, uniformity. The book will also be very useful as a course material in Islamic creed for both students and teachers during Islamic vocational training programmes. by Abdul Aziz bin Dakhil Al-Mutairi, translated by Idris Abdullah
    Published at: 29 Safar 1435 | Views Count: 906
  • The Spiritual Cure
    Various Scholars
    An explanation to Surah al-Fatihah
    Published at: 29 Jumada al-awwal 1436 | Views Count: 911
  • MUHAMMAD The Last Prophet A Model For All Time
    Various Scholars
    This book portrays a vivid picture of the life and times of Muhammad, the last Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). It has been written in a style attractive to young people by the renowned Islamic scholar Maulana Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi.
    Published at: 2 Jumada al-awwal 1436 | Views Count: 1003
  • Dealing with Worries and Stress
    Various Scholars
    It is the nature of this life that people will suffer from worries and stress, because this world is the place of disease, hardship and suffering. Hence among the things that distinguish Paradise from this world is the fact that there is no worry or stress there.
    Published at: 29 Jumada al-thani 1435 | Views Count: 562
  • Noble Life of the Prophet
    Various Scholars
    In this book, Dr. Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi shows the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
    Published at: 24 Jumada al-thani 1435 | Views Count: 771
  • Umar Ibn Al-Khattab
    Various Scholars
    In this book, Dr. Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi shows the period of ruling of the second caliph, Umar ibn Al-Khattab. He shows his life, embracing Islam and the battles he participated in.
    Published at: 24 Jumada al-thani 1435 | Views Count: 1802
  • The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
    Various Scholars
    The nature of the miracles performed at the hands of prophets. The splitting of the moon, and the Prophet’s journey to Jerusalem and ascension to Heaven. A mention of other various miracles of the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him.
    Published at: 7 Jumada al-thani 1435 | Views Count: 646
  • The Moderate Religion
    Various Scholars
    This compilation was adapted from the third section of a Ph.D thesis which was published under the title ‘Wasatiyyah ahl Sunnah bayna al Firaq’ (Moderation of Ahl- Sunnah between the Sects) by Dr. Muhammad Ba’kareem Muhammad Ba’Abdullah, a professor in the Islamic University of Madinah, KSA. I translated some of the third section of the book entitled ‘Moderation of the Muslims between extremism and negligence.
    Published at: 5 Rabi' al-awwal 1435 | Views Count: 404
  • AL’I’TIBBA’A (following) and The Principles of Fiqh of the Righteous Predecessors
    Various Scholars
    This book is an English translation of the book ‘Al‘I’tibaa’a and the Principles of ‘Fiqh’ of the Righteous Predecessors’ by the great noble scholar, professor sheikh Wasiullah ibn Muhammad Abaas, may Allah preserve him and raise his status in this world and the next. Written by: Wasiyyollah ibn Muhammad ‘Abbaas
    Published at: 5 Rabi' al-awwal 1435 | Views Count: 876
  • Noble Women Around the Messenger
    Various Scholars
    The role that women contributed at the beginning of Islamic history has often been overlooked or neglected, and as a result recorded data has been disproportionately unavailable, even though Islamic history is full of stories and accounts of women and the significant role that they played in Islam. This book attempts to fill a gap by enlightening the reader a step further on the lives of these women as prodigies at the time of the Prophet.
    Published at: 29 Jumada al-thani 1435 | Views Count: 884
  • Islam's Teachings
    Various Scholars
    The early Muslims worked earnestly in executing Islam's teachings, seeking to please Allah, Glorified and Exalted, and it was a cause for their progress, advancement and civilization, as well as the spread of Islam's message (nearly 1400 years ago) to all the corners of the earth
    Published at: 8 Rabi' al-thani 1438 | Views Count: 218

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