salamon alaikom brothers contact @duz28 over telegram for the big isdar archive including ...

salamon alaikom brothers contact @duz28 over telegram for the big isdar archive including translated videos (russian, turkish, french, bosnian, indonesian, german, english, bengali, etc.)

Alhamdulilah hamdan kasiran I'm proud to be a muslim

Alhamdulilah hamdan kasiran I'm proud to be a muslim

Learn Tolerance in Responding to Differences of Opinion from this Hadith Our religious problem ...

Learn Tolerance in Responding to Differences of Opinion from this Hadith

Our religious problem from the past until today is a problem of claiming truth. Even people who do not have a religious education background also speak by saying that they are the most correct and easily accuse other people who do not agree with them.
Let us learn from the following hadith:

It is narrated from Ibn 'Umar who said, "The Prophet. said to us when he returned from the war of Ahzab: "Do not ever pray 'Asr except in the village of Bani Quraizhah." Then came the prayer time while they were still on the road, some of them said, "We will not pray unless it has reached the destination", and some others say, "Even we will pray, because he did not mean that" So the incident was told to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, and he did not criticize any of them. " (Narrated by al-Bukhari)

عَنْ ابْنِ عُمَرَ قَالَ قَالَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ لَنَا لَمَّا رَجَعَ مِنْ الْأَحْزَابِ لَا يُصَلِّيَنَّ أَحَدٌ الْعَصْرَ إِلَّا فِي بَنِي قُرَيْظَةَ فَأَدْرَكَ بَعْضَهُمْ الْعَصْرُ فِي الطَّرِيقِ فَقَالَ بَعْضُهُمْ لَا نُصَلِّي حَتَّى نَأْتِيَهَا وَقَالَ بَعْضُهُمْ بَلْ نُصَلِّي لَمْ يُرَدْ مِنَّا ذَلِكَ فَذُكِرَ لِلنَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ فَلَمْ يُعَنِّفْ وَاحِدًا مِنْهُمْ

Sababul wurud or the historical background of this hadith is that when the Prophet finished from the Ahzab or Khandaq war, Jibril gave orders to the Prophet to go to the Quraizhah people in order to punish the Quraizhah people who had committed treason by entering polytheists into their hometown to Medina.

Then the Prophet gave an order that the companions did not perform Asr prayers unless they arrived at the village of the Quraizhah children in Medina. The full sababul wurud can be seen in the book Fathul Bari by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (chap 11, p. 452, Tafsir at-Tabari chap 20 p. 245, or can be seen in the narrations at-Tabrani and al-Baihaqi).

What lessons can we take from this hadith? An important lesson that we can take from this hadith is that this incident explains that even though the companions heard the words of the Prophet with the same lafadz, but due to differences in understanding, in responding to the Prophet's orders, the companions had different attitudes in carrying out the Prophet's orders.
We see in the hadith that at the time when the Prophet was still alive there were two groups who understood hadith in a literal-textual manner, and some were substantive-contextualist. And in the hadith it is said that the Prophet did not blame them at all and neither did they scold them.

In this case, we should imitate the wise attitude of the Prophet. The Messenger of Allah must have understood very well that the two camps of the friends carried out ijtihad in what was allowed and both had good intentions.
The meaning is that different ijtihad is permitted in religion. Ijtihad in order to know the law of something in matters of furu 'fiqhiyah, or issues for which the ulama may have different opinions, namely issues that have no text at all or problems with texts but scholars have different opinions about that text. , both in terms of validity or what is called as-subut, or in terms of meaning or what is commonly called ad-dalalah.

So if in a text it is dzanni as-subut or dzanni ad-dalalah, then there will be a process of ijtihad carried out by the ulama which then results in a different understanding. And that is allowed as long as it has good intentions and there are arguments on which to base it.

Perhaps we are wondering, can we know someone's intentions? Isn't that intention in the heart? And how can we know that he has good intentions?
Of course we answer that the good intentions cannot be known, but we can see the track record of that person. If all this time we see him as a scholar who is trying to do ijtihad seriously, using existing methods, and he does not have a track record of destroying or slandering Islam and so on, then we can say that he has good intentions in ijtihad.

Based on some of the explanations above, we can draw at least two conclusions, namely, first; from this hadith we understand that in religious matters it is necessary to have ijtihad. And we must admit that ijtihad is indeed allowed by the Messenger of Allah according to the Prophet's attitude in the earlier hadith. Therefore, we must respect every result of ijtihad from the ulama as long as he has the authority, credibility, and fulfills all the requirements for him to be a mujtahid.

Then if the results of ijtihad are different from what we believe, we must not argue that the results of ijtihad are worthless, heretical, and so on. Because basically this religion is built on differences of opinion on various issues in which differences are allowed in religion as long as the ijtihad is in accordance with or based on scientific principles.

Second; The important point that we should take a lesson from this hadith is that a person should not claim that he is the most correct while other people who differ in their opinion are considered wrong. It should be noted that the true truth is only owned and known by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

All of us who perform ijtihad may think that our opinion is the most correct, but it is necessary to know that our opinion is actually a subjective opinion. Subjective in the sense that maybe we think our opinion is the most correct, but with Allah, our opinion is not necessarily justified by Allah. So if the opinion we believe in is a subjective opinion, then we should not claim that the truth belongs only to us.

Moreover, we must admit that we cannot convince others that Allah justifies and considers us to be the most righteous in the Hereafter.
No one can claim that. Therefore, in many verses Allah says that everything we dispute in this world will be explained by Allah in the Hereafter. as in the word of Allah in a verse from surah al-Maidah [05]: 48 which reads:

فَيُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمۡ فِيهِ تَخۡتَلِفُونَ ٤٨

"Then later I will explain all the things that you used to dispute" (Surah al-Maidah [05]: 48)

Thus, if we have understood the hadith that was mentioned earlier, then we will have a great tolerance, be able to understand differences of opinion in religion, and be able to respect the opinions of others who are different from us.



Assalaamu Alaikum, I reverted to Islam in 2018. I knew I would be tested. I am the only Muslim in ...

Assalaamu Alaikum, I reverted to Islam in 2018. I knew I would be tested. I am the only Muslim in my family, extended family, and neighborhood. I thank Allah for the online resources available. I feel isolated but yet I know this is the right path. I grew up in the USA, I am not proud of it but I did benefit from "white privilege", good schools, and great job opportunities. I am certainly now a minority when I am at the Mosque and find brothers tend to cluster in their groups (Somalis, Pakistani, Arab, etc.) I really don't go to the Mosque to socialize but I am a very relationship-oriented person and feel isolated. I believe Allah called me to Islam and I am focusing and learning as much as possible. (feel like I have much to catch up on). As I mentioned earlier, on-line resources and zoom have helped to accelerate my Quarn Studies, my reading, and memorization. I would love to hear from others and perhaps share my journey with you. ...more

Marriage. Sometimes were not doing good when marriage is been taken place to their partners so ...

Sometimes were not doing good when marriage is been taken place to their partners so they definitely fear ALLAH.

لقد امتلأت السنة النبوية المباركة بكثير من الأحاديث عن الصدقة والتي تحثُّ على التصدُّقِ والبذل في ...

لقد امتلأت السنة النبوية المباركة بكثير من الأحاديث عن الصدقة والتي تحثُّ على التصدُّقِ والبذل في سبيل الله تعالى.
الأحاديث عن الصدقة كثيرة لتدلُّ على أهمية هذه العبادة ومدى فضلها في تقرُّبِ العبد من الله -سبحانه وتعالى.

الأحاديث عن الصدقة كثيرة منها قول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (الرَّجلُ في ظلِّ صدقتِه حتَّى يُقضَى بين النَّاسِ)

لو تحدثنا عن الصدقة وفضلها لوجدنا كثير من الأحاديث عن الصدقة فمنهاقول النبي صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلم : إرحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء "
وردت الكثير من الآيات القرآنية والأحاديث النبوية الشريفة التي تبيّن فضل الصدقة، وتحث عليها.

وقد ورد في فضل الصدقة أن الصدقة حياة، فهو تداوي المرضة كما ثبت عن رسول الله صلى الله تعالى عليه وآله وسلم دَاوُوا مَرضاكُمْ بِالصَّدقةِ.
فلم يقتصر فضل الصدقة في شفاء المريض، بل الصدقة تزيد الرزق وتبارك به فتزداد الأموال وتزداد الأنفس غنى ورضاً من الله عز وجل.
من فضل الصدقة أنه تمحو السيئات وتضاعف الحسنات كما قال حبيبنا ونبينا صلى الله تعالى عليه وآله وسلم: الصدقةُ تُطْفِئُ الخطيئة كما يُطْفِئُ الماءُ النارَ.
إن من فوائد الصّدقة في الدّنيا إنّ الصّدقة تطفىء غضب الرّبّ جلّ وعلا، لأن الإنسان قد يعصى فيغضب الله عليه فتكون الصدقة سببا لدفع عضب الله عنه .
إن المسلم في الحياة الدّنيا يتعرّض إلى كثيرٍ من البلاء والمحن فمن بعض فوائد الصّدقة أنه تدفع عنه تلك المحن والابتلاءات .
ومن أعظم فوائد الصّدقة في الآخرة إنّ الصّدقة هي سببٌ من أسباب دخول الجنّة واجتناب النّار، فقد جعل الله سبحانه وتعالى بابا خاصا في الجنة للمتصدقين والمتصدقات.
ومن أهم فوائد الصدقة أن المتصدقين هم من أصناف النّاس الذين يظلّهم الله تعالى بظلّه يوم لا ظلّ إلّا ظلّه.
إن الصدقة من أحبّ الأعمال إلى الله سبحانه وتعالى فإليكم مقال يتحدث عن أهمية الصدقة في الإسلام وأهم أنواعها.

ومن أهمية الصدقة أنه ترقّق قلب المؤمن وتبعد عنه الشحناء والبغضاء والكراهية والحقد وكل المشاعر السلبية ،وتقربه إلى الله وإلى الخلق.
ومن أهيمة الصدقة أنه يلعب دورا فعّالا في القضاء على مختلف أمراض المجتمع، ويقلل من مشاعر الحقد التي قد يشعر بها الفقراء تجاه الأغنياء.
إنّ من أهمية الصدقة أنه تساعد في القضاء على كل أشكال وعوامل الفقر في المجتمع وتزيد الود والمحبة بين المتصدق والمتصدق عليه.
إنّ أنواع الصدقة كثيرة يمكن للمسلم القيام بها، وتم تقسيم هذه الأنواع اعتمادا على استمرارية الصدقة على الشخص وعلى المجتمع.

ومن أنواع الصدقة "الصدقة الخفية" وهي من أهم مسارب الخير في المجتمع، وتقوم على عمل البرِّ الذي يخلو من كل اشكال الرياء والسمعة .
من أفضل أنواع الصدقة أن تكون الصدقةُ في حال الصحة والقوة كما قال النبي صلى الله تعالى عليه وآله وسلم: أفضل الصدقة أن تصدَّق وأنت صحيحٌ شحيحُ، إلخ.
ومن أهم أنواع الصدقة صدقة جارية التي يثاب المرء عليها حتى بعد موتها ولها عدة مجالات، منها بناء المساجد والإنفاق على نشر العلم، وتوزيع المصاحف.

The Leading International Online Institute providing Online Courses Islamic Studies, Understanding ...

The Leading International Online Institute providing Online Courses Islamic Studies, Understanding Qur'an (Tafseer), Recitation & Memorization with Tajweed, Arabic Courses for Kids & Adults.

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
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13 Rajab 1446
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