The Beauty of Islam

Understanding why bad things happen to good people

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Future of Islam in America

Actions speak louder than words. We don’t have the correct understanding of Islam. Islam is common sense.

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Heart Purification

How our hearts are affected by our actions

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It’s a Great Time to be a Muslim

The life of this world is a prison for a believer and paradise for a non-believer. The character of the Prophet. Events of 9/11

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Islam Tomorrow

What do you think about Islam and Muslims in America? The effects of events of 9/11

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How to Make Dawah to Others ?

How to get organized about "Dawah" - How to defend Islam

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How Close We Came

The Muslim side of history in America

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What are intentions, which intentions are acceptable, and what intentions are not acceptable ?

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Basic Tenets of Islam

What is Islam? Who are Muslims? Who is Allah? What is the Quran?

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How I came to Islam ?

How I came to Islam / The five pillars of Islam

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