Category: Islamic Morals

Directions to Giving Naseeha

Directions to Giving Naseehah (Good Advice)

Kamil Mufti
Al Jumuah Magazine

"The religion is naseehah."The people asked, "To whom?" The Prophet (sallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) replied, "To Allah and to His Book and to His Messenger and to the leaders of the Muslims and the common folk."

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I Can't! It's Impossible!

"I Can't, It's Impossible"

Article by: Shaikh Naser Al-Omar

Translated, slightly abridged and adapted by: Samir Siksek

Arabic original found on:

One often hears these words repeated, and they are a major reason for the state of failure that the Ummah ...

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Choosing Your Friends

Humans have always been social creatures and in need of friends and companions. A good part of our lives is spent in interaction with others. For Muslims like us who are living in a society where we are clearly a minority, the issue of choosing the right companions is essential for preserving ... Continue Reading

General Guidelines for Internet Users

By Sheikh: Hamed Ibn Abdullah El Aly

First: When a Muslim hears the call for prayer, he should rise up to the remembrance of Allah and not let anything take him away from answering that call.  The Lord SWT said: In houses that Allah ordered to be built and His name to be mentioned in them ... Continue Reading

Bite your tongue

                Everything we say and do in life has consequences. Just like throwing a stone into a pond, sends ripples across the water affecting all around it. We are free to say and do as we choose but the consequences of our words and actions are our responsibility.

How many times have ... Continue Reading

Throwing Culture to the Wind (The sorry state of Muslims today)

    The first eighty or so years after the Prophet (peace be upon him) were the best time in all human history in which to live.  Pure, true, uncorrupted Islam was practiced and spread.  In His Infinite Wisdom, Allah revealed the Qur'an in Arabic to Arabic speaking people.  These same people, ... Continue Reading

Islamic Values vs. Muslim Values

An Article written by : Atiq Ebady

The misconceptions that surround Islam in this day and age are too great to number. A repeated scene is that of a Muslim having a discussion with a non-Muslim and trying to explain that Muslims are not terrorists, Muslims are not wife-beaters, that these ...
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by Shariffa Carlo

Living in non-Muslim societies, it is easy for us to fall into the habits and customs of these lands. We start to set our moral compasses in relation to theirs. Sometimes, we go so far as to think that if what we are doing is better than what they are doing, its acceptable. ... Continue Reading

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