Category: Literature

If the Prophet Muhammad visited you


If the Prophet Muhammad visited you 
just for a day or two; 
If he came unexpectedly 
I wonder what you'd do.  Oh! I know you'd give your nicest room 
to such an honored guest; 
And all the food you'd serve to him 
would be the very best; 
And you would keep assuring ...

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A little Muslim from Palestine

I'll always be a contender

Yes, I know my bones are very tender

And by Allah you won't see me surrender
Look at my eyes? You'll see no butterflies

My home is filled with cries... due to all the lost lives

But I swear by Allah I'll never compromise

I'll still throw the stones even with ...
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The Tree !

Please someone find me

I want to find the light

but no one is there to guide me

Open the door someone give me it's key
My eyes were closed but now i can see

Please guide me there i want to be free

I want to be under the shade of that tree

That tree seems to give ease

It was always ...
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A Lost Soul

Have you heard of God?
The Almighty and The Lord
He created creatures on this planet
From fishes in the sea to birds in the sky.


What about human beings?
They rule this planet as if it was thiers to own
They have no idea of God, The ruler of the world
They hate us and they love us.

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Contributed by : Fareheen Chowdhury, Canada

Every time I close my eyes,
I can not leave what I see.
All I see is the son, who dies,
And the world that lets it be.


I see a father holding on,
I cannot feel his fear,
I see the blast from the gun,
As Allah saw their tears.


I ...

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Each Breath

Am I truly grateful for each breath that I take,
For each and every moment that I am awake?
Do I thank Allah for my restful sleep,
And for the dreams that cause me to weep?

Am I honestly thankful to the Almighty One,
For the early morning mist, the bright, rising sun?
During Fajr prayer, I ...

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Pity Me Not

Pity me not
For the clothes I wear
Nor for the scarve
That covers my hair Pity me not
For my black garb
My modest air
My humble heart.

Pity me not
For my lack of speech
B/c my silent voice
Can always find a heart to reach.

Pity me not
For my Muslim name
It is the sign of my honor
And the ...

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Palestine's Tears

Imagine someone intruded into your home,
Ripped your furniture, threw out your clothes,
You'd say:That's called break in theft, isn't that what it shows? Then what if they beat you, abused your children, and raped the women of your home,
You'd say:That's called physical and sexual assult (your ... Continue Reading

What is Islam ?

Poem written by : Maymoonah MS Adly

"What is Islam?" is the question you ask.
Answering this question is every Muslims task.
Describing Islam can be a lot,
But first I'll tell you what Islam is not.
Islam is not Faraqan and terrorism.
Nor is it oppressing women and racism.
Islam doesn't ...
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Why the Shame ?!

Poem written by :Maryam Elbenhawy

I'm eyeballed from head to toe
I notice this everywhere I go
I look different because I am so
I am a Muslim, and that's for you 
To know...
I cover myself, including my face
Others may see it as strong faith
I follow what the Quran says, and
desire ...

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Poem written by: Maymoonah MS Adly

I see you doing wrong, 
You say you're not so strong, 
To fight against shaytan. 
Your evil desires drag you along. 
Mankind and jinn have one thing in common. 
They differ from Allah's other creation. 
The animals, trees, birds, bees and ...

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Who I Am !

An Excellent poem about the Muslim Woman.
What do you see
when you look at me
Do you see someone limited,
or someone free


All some people can do is just look and stare
Simply because they can't see my hair


Others think I am ...

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