Category: Muslim Women's Issues

This Message is to You O Concealed Jewel, O Protected Rose !

It is to you, the Cultivator of Generations, Producer or Great Men.

I will point out in it some of what Islam requires of the individual and the society concerning the rights of women .....

1. Have you seen the Jewel? Why is it that the people love it while it is simply a piece of stone? It ...

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How beautiful marriage is in Islam

People take being married for granted. When youth today are faced with the questions concerned with marriage they become scared ... But marriage in Islam is nothing to be scared of because it helps us with our din. 

Actually marriage helps us as youth stay away from premarrital temptations ... Continue Reading

How to destroy your child's mind

All the love, nurturing and time spent on molding a child to be confident and creative. The first years of life are so important to develop the necessary qualities for success in later life. Knowing this mothers, concentrate on these early years , only in the end, to send to them to school... ... Continue Reading

This subject is for women only!

Another view of marriage. If you had a husband whose responsibility it was to pay for all your costs, provide you with suitable housing, pay for all your children's expenses, provide you with social recreation as well as treat you kindly, patiently and with justice, would you cooperate with ... Continue Reading

That's My Hijab!

I probably do not fit into the preconceived notion of a "rebel".

    I have no visible tattoos and minimal piercing. I do not possess a leather jacket. In fact, when most people look at me, their first thought  usually is something along the lines of "oppressed female."

    The brave ...

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7 Conditions For a Woman's Dress

A Hijab is a word that indicated the following conditions : 1. Clothing must cover the entire body, only the hands and face may remain visible (According to some Fiqh Schools) .

2. The material must not be so thin that one can see through it.

3. The clothing must hang loose so that the ...

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