Category: Muslim Women's Issues

Attractive Hijabs & Shari’ah

Living in the west, the hijab has become a potent indicator of identity with many non-Muslims viewing it as a political statement. However, it is pertinent to note that the hijab is, first and foremost, an act of worship that women engage in, and an act undertaken to seek the pleasure of one’s Lord. ... more

Tragedy of a woman who has become Muslim

Tragedy of a woman who has become Muslim, but she has two children and their father is Hindu. ... more

The other half of a man

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praise be to Allah alone, and peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet after whom there are no other prophets.

There is has not been a woman on the course of human history who has gained as much as the woman has enjoyed ...

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Women in Islam: Oppression or Liberation?

For centuries, Muslim women in all corners of the world have been aware of the liberation that is achieved by adhering to the concept of hijab. Current world events have once again brought the issue of women's liberation in Islam to the forefront of people's minds.

Can a Woman Who Adheres to ...

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Rulings on menstruation

Q: What are the rulings on menses in women?.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

There are many rulings to do with menstruation, more than twenty, of which we will mention those which we think are most essential. They are:

1 - Prayer
It is haraam for a menstruating woman to pay both obligatory ...

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Woman between Islam & Jaahiliyyah

Woman between the honouring of Islam and the humiliation of Jaahiliyyah

In Islam, woman has a high status which no past nation ever achieved and which no subsequent nation has been able to attain, because the honour which Islam gives to humanity includes men and women equally. They are equal ...

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Two Husbands In The House

Many women -because of feminism- don't obey their husbands, which is sinful.

Some practicing sisters - they are not realizing that they should obey their husbands. Allah's Messenger said [meaning]; "If I were to command anyone to prostrate before anyone, I would have commanded the wife to ...

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Display of Beauty

Tabarruj (Display of Beauty)

Transcribed by Aboo Uthmaan [1]

1. Tabarruj is disobedience to Allaah and His Messenger (sall-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam)
The one who disobeys Allaah and His Messenger (sall-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) can only harm himself and can not in any way ...

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Rulings on istihaadah

Q: What are the rulings to do with istihaadah (non-menstrual vaginal bleeding)?.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

We explained when bleeding is menses (hayd) and when it is isthaadah. When it is menses then it is subject to the rulings on menses, and when it is istihaadah it is subject to the rulings ...

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How Do Muslims Treat the Elderly?

In the Islamic world, one rarely finds "old people's homes." The strain of caring for one's parents in this most difficult time of their lives is considered an honor and a blessing and an opportunity for great spiritual growth. In Islam, it is not enough that we only pray for our parents, but ...

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