Checklist – Ramadan's Last Ten Nights and Days

the last ten days of Ramadan that are even more blessed than the rest of Ramadan ... more

Omar ibn al-Khattab Journey to Islam

     Omar was twenty seven when the Holy Prophet began his mission. Young Omar was one of those who did not care to listen to the message of Islam. He was for the old way of life. As years went by, Islam made a slow headway. This made Omar angry. Do what the Makkan(1)chiefs might, people who ... Continue Reading

Alphonse de LaMartaine's Testimony

           " Never has a man undertaken a work so far beyond human power with so feeble means, for he (Muhammad) had in the conception as well as in the execution of such a great design, no other instrument than himself and no other aid except a handful of men living in a corner of the desert. ... Continue Reading

7 tips for improving your relationship with the Qur'an

Are you one of those people who rarely touches the Qur'an? Or do you read daily, but don't find it is having the impact on you that it should? Whatever the case may be, these are some simple tips that can help you connect with the Qur'an. 1. Before you touch it, check your heart. The key to ... Continue Reading

Amazing Interview with a 14 years old new Muslimah !

The way she speaks is really impressive .. after my conversation with her .. I thought that I must tell her the fact that she is very mature .. please read her words .. and distribute it .. read the story now !
Dear Sister .. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatu Allah sister , first ... Continue Reading

Why Niqab

I feel comfortable knowing.. That men don’t stare at me ... more

Advice of the Wise Man in the Palace

We often see the everyday events of our lives as having little value, and we do not give them the attention they deserve. ... more

The Wise Man

The wise man is the believer who does his best to follow the Prophet's (pbuh) teachings and his manner of treating his wives and his devotion to his family. ... more

Hajj - The Journey of Hearts

Written by : Muhammad AlShareef

Arafah - 10 Years After Hijrah

The man was standing with Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - when he was thrown from his camel. The camel stomped and the man's neck was snapped. Dead .......... "Bathe his body with water and Sidr and bury him with ... Continue Reading

The Simple Garment

Poem written by : Nargis Rahman (England)
I am a Muslim,

A proud Muslim,

A lady with strong beliefs,

Why should I hide that fact?


The comments, the looks, the sniggering,

Don't care what people think,

I will still hold my head high,

I will still walk with ...

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Muslims Contribution To Science

Lost of Christians left christianity & the reason was clearly : It contradicts science ! What about Muslims ? Here you can read a breif information about Muslims & Science in the past ..
  • Astronomy :

Muslims have always had a special interest in astronomy. The moon and the sun are of vital ...

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Please Take me!

"I was driving to the grocery store just thinking of everything on my list to do today. Taking the kids to soccer practice, cleaning the house, getting groceries, getting the oil changed in the car, the list went on and on. i was feeling overwhelmed and was already tired before I had even ...

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29 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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