Being an Example

Allaah says in the Qur'aan,

"Indeed in the Messenger of Allaah you have an excellent example to follow for him who hopes in (the meeting with) Allaah and the Last Day and remembers Allaah much" [al-Ahzab, 21].

{لَّقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ ...

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A Description of Hellfire (part 1 of 5)

An Introduction

Islam teaches that Hell is a real place prepared by God for those who do not believe in Him, rebel against His laws, and reject His messengers. Hell is an actual place, not a mere state of mind or a spiritual entity. The horrors, pain, anguish, and punishment are all real, but ...

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Jason Cruz, Ex-Priest, USA

Alhumdulillah (Thank God), I have been blessed by Allah with the gift of Islam since 2006. When I was asked to write about the path that I took and how Allah has blessed me, I was hesitant. I have seen others get caught up with personal fame by telling how they came to Islam and I knew that I ...

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Fasting in the month of Rajab

Q: Is there any special virtue in fasting during the month of Rajab?.

A: Praise be to Allaah.


The month of Rajab is one of the sacred months of which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Verily, the number of months with Allaah is twelve months (in a year), so was it ...

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Secularism and its dangers -II

Believers in secularism deal with the aspects of faith and worship according to what Allaah Wants, but- at the same time- they legislate rules other than the rules set by Allaah Almighty. In fact, this is the reality and the basis of Shirk (associating partners with Allaah), because the people ...

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Qadianiyyah in the light of Islam

Q: I appeal to you to answer the questions that I have previously submitted or to answer the one that follows, as the problem has for months caused me nothing but trouble in my local community. Even if I had the support of a fatwa, it might not help because this local community does not respect ...

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Complete vs. acceptable ghusl

Q: I do ghusl following menses as follows:
1- I form the intention to purify myself in my heart, without uttering it out loud.
2- I start by standing beneath the shower and letting the water flow all over my body.
3- I wash my entire body using a loofah and soap, including the private parts.
4- ...

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Starting-point for one who wants to enter Islam

Q: I want to know is there a starting point for a man who Is interested in the true religion of Islam. I have been given many different answers.

A: Yes, there is a very important starting-point, which is to pronounce the Shahaadatayn (Declaration of Faith). This is the only answer to your ...

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Yousef al Khattab, Ex-Jew, USA



I was born to a Secular Jewish family, and at the age of 18 years old decided to look "deeper" into belief in God. Like most people, I looked at religion from a view point that was closer to me. Being that my family was Jewish and I was raised to attend Jewish schools I looked into ...
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Punishments for neglecting jihad for the sake of Allaah

Is there a specific punishment that is deserved by those who neglect jihad for the sake of Allaah?

Praise be to Allaah.

The command to wage jihad for the sake of Allaah, and the warning against neglecting jihad, appear in many verses of the Qur'aan and ahaadeeth.

If the Muslims neglect ...

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Etiquette of Eid

What are the Sunnahs and etiquettes that we should act in accordance with on the day of Eid?

Praise be to Allaah.

The Sunnahs that the Muslim should observe on the day of Eid are as follows:
1 - Doing ghusl before going out to the prayer.

It was narrated in a saheeh hadeeth in al-Muwatta' ...

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Polytheism in Supplication

Shirk ad-Du'aa (Polytheism in Supplication)

Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid

Question: Ya sheikh, I have question regarding the tawasul, I was telling someone that seeking tawasul at graves and asking the person who died to make dua to Allah it's wrong, he told me what is wrong with if I asked ...

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25 Rabi' al-awwal 1446
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