The Muslim is in the shadow of his charity

Indeed, Muslims are in the shadow of their charities... ... more

A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole

A believer should be careful in all his affairs, so no one should be able to trick him twice. ... more

“Never! By Allah, Allah Will Never Disgrace You!”

By these great words, the Mother of Faithful Believers, Khadijah, strengthened the heart of the Messenger of Allah, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, when he talked to her about the angel that descended to him in the Cave of Hira'. ... more

Images of the Prophet's mercy with non-Muslims (2)

Second Image: Prophet’s, peace and blessing be upon him, stance regarding killing Mu‘aahideen (i.e. those who have a treaty with the Muslims) and their properties ... more

The most distinctive characteristics 0f Ahlus-Sunnah

Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah are the Saved-Sect (in the Hereafter) and the Victorious and Aided Group (in this world). ... more

How to perform Ghusl?

How to perform Ghusl?

1. Intention, i.e. to perform Ghusl.
2. Basmallah (i.e. to say 'Bismillah' - I begin with the name of Allah).
3. Wash the hands.
4. Wash the private parts with the left hand.
5. Perform the Wudhu:
* Wash the hands three times.
* Rinse the mouth three times.
* Cleanse ...

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Means of Purification

As for purification from impurities in general, water and other substances can be used. ... more

Every good deed is a charity

By doing good deeds, his life shall be good, his soul will feel comfort, and his relationships with the people around him shall be good if his intention is good. ... more

Story of the Man who Killed ninety-nine people

it is recommended for the one who repents to leave the place in which he committed sins and those who help him doing so ... more

I. Early Beginnings of Contemporary Zionism

Among the few Western Middle East specialists who have handled Middle Eastern issues with objectivity and in depth is Robert Fisk, the Middle East correspondent for The Independent. Reading his interesting book (Pity the Nation), helped me to deduce his journalistic talent, seriousness and ...

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Extravagant Sufism 3/3

Their Beliefs regarding the Acts of Worship

I - The Sufis believe that the prayer, the fast, the Hajj and the Zakat are all types of worship that are reserved for the commoners! The Sufis are special people, and thus practice a higher type of worship. Hence, the various Sufi Turuq ...

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Suppression of Lusts

The suppressor of lusts and the healer of the living is fear and hope.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praise be to Allah, the unique in His pride, the Lord of lands and heavens and whatever lies between them, and peace be upon His Messenger, his household ...

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27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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