Upon us now are the best ten days of the year

Upon us now are the best ten days of the year. There are no other days more rewarded than these ten. They are the first ten days of the Islamic month Dhul-Hijjah. Unfortunately many of us do not know and let them fly by ... If there was some great sale advertising ridiculously low prices you ...
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This subject is for women only!

Another view of marriage. If you had a husband whose responsibility it was to pay for all your costs, provide you with suitable housing, pay for all your children's expenses, provide you with social recreation as well as treat you kindly, patiently and with justice, would you cooperate with ... Continue Reading

From Titi to Maryam!

It all started on November 20, 1979, the year of the Ram. I was born at Jacobi Hospital, now Bronx Municipal, in the Bronx at around 10:00 pm. I was always a happpy baby, so I was told. But even more so I was terribly mischeivous. Here's a story for you: My mother had to tie my foot to the bed ...

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The Qur'aan And What It Means To Muslims

Allah states: { And if anyone of the mushrikeen (polytheists) seeks your protection, then grant him protection, so that he may hear the word of Allah (the Qur'aan) }[Qur'aan 9:6]

The Qur'aan was brought down by Jibreel (Gabriel) to Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and over a ... Continue Reading

Each Breath

Am I truly grateful for each breath that I take,
For each and every moment that I am awake?
Do I thank Allah for my restful sleep,
And for the dreams that cause me to weep?

Am I honestly thankful to the Almighty One,
For the early morning mist, the bright, rising sun?
During Fajr prayer, I ...

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Death, the doorway is ever near

Poem written by : Velma Cook
Here I am at last
I knew this day would come
My new home for a time
'til the trumpet shall blow
and once again I stand
upon an earth renewed


Dark and still
I wait
Time has gone
Asking my lord for refuge
As I did in days gone ...

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The End

I barely knew him, I have seen him in the mosque for some days at different times and for many others I have not. I warmly greeted him and I was keen to know him. Until one day after Al-'Asr (noon prayer), I stood chatting with a colleague outside the mosque while he was coming. He greeted him ... Continue Reading

Prayer in Islam

    Prayer in Islam, is worship of Allah the Almighty, Praising and Thanking Him, acknowledging His Sovereignty and committing oneself to obey and remember Him at all times. It is the central part of a way of life, which is based on submission to the Owner of all. 
The Muslim must seek to ...
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Before the Boat Drowns

Article written by Muhammad Alshareef.

Ashaab As-Sabt - the people of Saturday. They were a townsfolk from Bani Israa'eel who were tested with the Sabbath, the day when they were to leave their worldly affairs and devout to Allah. All week long they would go fishing, with scant return. But ... Continue Reading

Who I Am !

An Excellent poem about the Muslim Woman.
What do you see
when you look at me
Do you see someone limited,
or someone free


All some people can do is just look and stare
Simply because they can't see my hair


Others think I am ...

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Funny isn't it?!

- Funny how a $20 bill looks so big when you take it to the Mosque, but so small when you take it to the market.

- Funny how long it takes to do Zikr for an hour, but how quickly a team plays 60 minutes of basketball.


- Funny how long a couple of hours spent at the Mosque are, but how ...

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A 15 years old sister compare between knowledge and wealth.
  • KNOWLEDGE guards you while you guard WEALTH.

  • KNOWLEDGE is increased when distributed while WEALTH is decreased when given to others.

  • A LITTERATE person may be poor but cannot be fooled but a WEALTHY person may be ...

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2 Rabi' al-thani 1446
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