#10 Exchanging Gifts

The Sunnah of exchanging gifts

One of the sweetest Sunnahs is exchanging gifts, it plants love between people. The Messenger of Allah () said: «Exchange gifts as that will lead to increasing your love for one another» (Al-Baihaqi).

The Prophet () used to accept gifts even simple ...

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6 Productive Tips to Tame Your Child’s Foul Mouth

Your child just blurted a word of profanity!? Find out how you can handle this delicate situation. ... more

Superiority of the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah

A short article listing the merits of the first ten days of the final month of the Islamic calendar, Dhul-Hijjah. ... more

Significance of The Change of Qiblah

Changing the direction of prayers made the Muslims keenly aware that they were the true heirs of Abraham and his religion, based on total submission to God. ... more

Deterring people from backbiting (Gheebah)

Definition of Gheebah:

When the Prophet  was asked about backbiting, he answered: «To mention your brother in a manner which he dislikes». Then he  was asked, “What if my brother actually has (this failing) that I made mention of?” The Prophet said: «If (that failing) is actually found in your ...

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Sincerity in Hajj

How can the pilgrim be sincere towards Allaah in performing the rituals? If he wants to do business and seek to earn a living as well as doing Hajj, does that mean that he is not being sincere towards Allaah?

Praise be to Allaah.

Sincerity (ikhlaas) is a necessary condition ...

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Make the MOST of the last Days of Ramadan!!

Aa’isha (radhi allahu anha) narrates, ”When the (last) ten (days of Ramadan) began, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would enliven/revive the night, wake his family, strive, and tie his izaar tight.” ... more

Checklist – Ramadan's Last Ten Nights and Days

the last ten days of Ramadan that are even more blessed than the rest of Ramadan ... more

Welcoming the Arrival of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan has arrived again, the month of fasting and prayer. It is the month that provides an opportunity for forgiveness from Allah and emancipation from our sins. It is the month for performing good deeds and giving in charity. It is the month when the gates of the heavens are ... Continue Reading

Common Mistakes During Ramadaan

Mistakes that happens in Ramadaan every Muslim should be aware of. ... more

Why Do Muslims Fast? (part 1 of 2)

{O believers! Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you in order that you become more conscious of God} [Al-Baqara:183]. ... more

Does Islam encourage hostility to Christians?

Does Islam encourage hostility to Christians?

Dr. Ragheb El-Sergany

Some fanatics accuse Islam of bigotry against Christians and incitement to hate them. They back their false claim by Quranic verses which they misunderstood them or purposely misinterpreted them. Some of these Quranic verses ...

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27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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