Michael H. Hart's Testimony

"My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels." "Of humble origins, Muhammad founded and ... Continue Reading

The Qur'aan And What It Means To Muslims

Allah states: { And if anyone of the mushrikeen (polytheists) seeks your protection, then grant him protection, so that he may hear the word of Allah (the Qur'aan) }[Qur'aan 9:6]

The Qur'aan was brought down by Jibreel (Gabriel) to Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and over a ... Continue Reading

I Had Not Gone Shopping for a New Religion

Written by : Michael Wolfe

After twenty-five years a writer in America, I wanted something to soften my cynicism. I was searching for new terms by which to see. The way one is raised establishes certain needs in this department. From a pluralist background, I naturally placed great stress on ... Continue Reading

The influence of the Islamic Study vs the Quran on us

Studying Quran and reflecting on it is associated with the remembrance of Allah, so the more you read the Quran, and reflect on it, the more you remember Allah by his words, the more you get closer to him, and the more it influences you deep in your heart... ... more

Before the Boat Drowns

Article written by Muhammad Alshareef.

Ashaab As-Sabt - the people of Saturday. They were a townsfolk from Bani Israa'eel who were tested with the Sabbath, the day when they were to leave their worldly affairs and devout to Allah. All week long they would go fishing, with scant return. But ... Continue Reading

Save lives through your good words and actions

This life is full of incidents that will hurt or challenge your personality. As I was thinking I realised that you will come across some people who won't watch what they say or do to others and continue to cause pain to them , this verse has came to my mind... ... more

Translation of the meanings of surah Al-Israa (1)

(1) (1) Exalted[722] is He who took His Servant [i.e., Prophet Muammad (ﷺ)] by night from al-Masjid al-arām to al-Masjid al-Aqā,[723] whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing,[724] the Seeing.[725]

[722]- Above any imperfection or ...

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Translation of the meanings of surah Al-Ahzaab

(1) (1) O Prophet, fear Allāh and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Indeed, Allāh is ever Knowing and Wise.


(2) (2) And follow that which is revealed to you from your Lord. Indeed Allāh is ever, of what you do, Aware.


(3) (3) And rely upon Allāh; and sufficient is Allāh as ...

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Translation of the meanings of surah Ash-Shu'araa (1)

(1) (1) Ṭā, Seen, Meem.[1043]

[1043]- See footnote to 2:1.


(2) (2) These are the verses of the clear Book.


(3) (3) Perhaps, [O Muḥammad], you would kill yourself with grief that they will not be believers.


(4) (4) If We willed, We could send down to them from the sky a sign for which their ...

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Muslims Contribution To Science

Lost of Christians left christianity & the reason was clearly : It contradicts science ! What about Muslims ? Here you can read a breif information about Muslims & Science in the past ..
  • Astronomy :

Muslims have always had a special interest in astronomy. The moon and the sun are of vital ...

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Translation of the meanings of surah Yusuf (2)

(58) (58) And the brothers of Joseph came [seeking food], and they entered upon him; and he recognized them, but he was to them unknown.[602]

[602]- Due to the change in his appearance over the years.


(59) (59) And when he had furnished them with their supplies, he said, "Bring me a brother of ...

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Translation of the meanings of surah Yusuf (1)

(1) (1) Alif, Lām, Rā.[582] These are the verses of the clear Book.

[582]- See footnote to 2:1.


(2) (2) Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’ān[583] that you might understand.

[583]- i.e., revealed in the Arabic language.


(3) (3) We relate to you, [O Muḥammad], the best of stories ...

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