This Message is to You O Concealed Jewel, O Protected Rose !

It is to you, the Cultivator of Generations, Producer or Great Men.

I will point out in it some of what Islam requires of the individual and the society concerning the rights of women .....

1. Have you seen the Jewel? Why is it that the people love it while it is simply a piece of stone? It ...

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I don't need love !

So many people have tried to define love. Often it means different things to different people. Everyone admits they need it.

It seems to be an emotion; a feeling on bonding between people. But does it occur in a snap?

There are certain ingredients which it contains; upon which it is built. ...

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The End

I barely knew him, I have seen him in the mosque for some days at different times and for many others I have not. I warmly greeted him and I was keen to know him. Until one day after Al-'Asr (noon prayer), I stood chatting with a colleague outside the mosque while he was coming. He greeted him ... Continue Reading

Listen to the Qur'an of Ar-Rahmaan

Listen to the Qur'an of Ar-Rahmaan not to the flute of the Devil (Music and songs) ... more

Calm conversation between Abdullah & Abdel-Naby

A man called Abdullah met another man called Abdel-Naby. Abdullah’s heart disapproved this name, Abdel-Naby, and said: “How could a man worship other than Allah the Almighty?” Then he asked Abdel-Naby: “Do you worship other than Allah?” “No, I worship none but Allah. I am Muslim and I worship Allah alone.” Abdel-Naby replied. ... more

Passion of the Christ 1&2

Prophet Jesus went through a lot of pain, like the previous Messengers of strong will. Whoever bears the burden of a nation, his responsibilities and tasks grow with it, along these lines his passion becomes deeper and severer. ... more

The Month of Shawwâl 1431 Hijri Year

The Messenger of Allah, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, has said, “He who observed the fast of Ramadan and then followed it with six fasting days of Shawwal, it would be as if he fasted perpetually.” [Reported by Muslim, 1164] ... more

April fool

"The signs of a hypocrite are three: Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie; and whenever he promises, he breaks his promise; and whenever he is entrusted, he betrays." ... more

Conditions of faith in Islam

It should be known to you, my Muslim brother, may Allah have mercy upon you and us, that the three principles it is due on every Muslim to learn, be he man or woman: to know his Lord, his religion, and his Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. ... more

The honest merchant

The honest merchant...Abdurrahman ibn ‘Awf (may Allah be pleased with him) ... more

O you who have reached sixty and seventy

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks be to Allah Almighty who has created and has created well, Who has taught and has taught well. And peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet; the Guide to the True Religion, and upon his family and his ...

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Status of the righteous forefathers in Hajj

All praise is due to Allah, Who enjoined upon His servants pilgrimage to His ancient house, although He Almighty is Free of all needs. And prayers and peace of Allah be upon our prophet Muhammad, the perfect model imitated by performers of Hajj and 'Umra, and upon all his family and companions ...

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23 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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