The Nullifiers of Faith

Believing in Allah is the most precious thing a believer owns, if he loses it then it is a manifest loss... ... more

The suffering of a young man

This story is from our bitter reality, it is not fiction woven, it is the condition of many of our youth... very unfortunately. ... more

I fear Allah

O beloved, fearing Allah is the crown of the hearts. It is purification for the souls and living for the spirits. It is evidence of faith and an address for happiness. It is the secret of life. ... more

What is Islam?

A Holistic Vision ... more

Islam at a glance

Islam is an Arabic word that linguistically means submission, peace and security. ... more

How many gods do you worship?

Verily, Allah is One, Self-Sufficient Master, never accepts having a rival. ... more

The effect of Lâ Ilâh Illâ Allah

The effect of "Lâ Ilâh Illâ Allah" (there is No God but Allah) at the Moment of Death ... more

50 Questions and Answers in Faith

50 Questions and Answers in Faith, the evidence of monotheism... ... more

Weakness of Faith phenomenon

The phenomenon of weakness of belief had been spread among Muslims. Many Muslims complain the hardness of their hearts and say: “I feel hardness in my heart,” “I do not feel the sweetness of performing the acts of worship,” “I feel that my belief had gotten down to the lowest level,” “I do not feel touched by the Holy Qur’an” or “I easily commit sins.” Moreover, the symptoms of this disease clearly appear on many people. Actually this disease is the origin of each disaster and the reason of all defaults and hardships. ... more

The Brothers of Bal'aam

Bal'aam changed, from being a righteous man whose supplications were accepted, into an iniquitous heretic who reneged on his faith... ... more

Deceiving Allah Almighty

If altering the names and shapes had an effect on the rulings and facts, religions would have been spoiled and altered and Islam would have been vanished. ... more

The Christian Creed

They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" ... more

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