The Concept of God in Islam (part 1 of 2): A Unique Concept

Every language has one or more terms that are used in reference to God and sometimes to lesser deities. This is not the case with the word ‘Allah’. Allah is the personal name of the One True God. Nothing else can be called Allah. The term has no plural or gender. This shows its exclusivity ... Continue Reading

How Does Islam Differ from other Faiths? (part 1 of 2) by Khurshid Ahmad

Some of the Unique Features of Islam not found in other belief systems and ways of life. ... more

About Islam

Islam is a natural and complete way of life. It encourages one to give due attention to their relationship with their Creator (God). It teaches that people find true lasting happiness and peace through being close to God, following His guidance and performing good deeds. Muslims constitute approximately one fifth of the world’s population, making Islam one of the largest religions. Belief in and worship of the One True God is the purpose of life and cornerstone of Islam. The Arabic word “Islam” literally means “submission” to the One True God alone. One who voluntarily surrenders their will to God is called a Muslim, who can be from any racial or ethnic background. A distinguishing feature of Islam, unlike many other religions, is that it is not named after a person or tribe. ... more

What is Islam? (part 4 of 4): Islamic Worship

A look at some of the essential practices of Islam, with a brief explanation of who are Muslims. By ... more

What is Islam? (part 3 of 4): The Essential Beliefs of Islam

A look at some of the beliefs of Islam. By ... more

What is Islam (part 2 of 4): The Origins of Islam-------- By M. Abdulsalam

The role of Islam among other world religions, specifically in relation to the Judeo-Christian tradition. By M. Abdulsalam ... more

What is Islam (part 1 of 4): The Core of Islam By M. Abdulsalam

The main message of Islam is the same basic message in all revealed religions, as they are all are from the same source, and the reasons for disparity found between religions. By M. Abdulsalam ... more

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