Category: Da'wah to Non-Muslims

19 years old Candadian girl looking for the truth !

. Successfully found it ..repeating IN TEARS .THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH Her name is jennifer and she is a canadian citizen...unlike most of the girls her age she has been deeply contemplating the essence of life, it's target and the role humans are to play.

I can safely say that we, in our ... Continue Reading

Islam: Misunderstood throughout the World

James A. Bill (professor of government and director of the Reves Center for International Studies at the College of William and Mary in Virginia) writes - 'By the turn of the century, for the first time in history, the number of Muslims (those who practice Islam) will have surpassed the number ... Continue Reading

Muhammad, The Prophet of Allah

What do Muslims believe about Muhammad peace be upon him ? All praise is due to Allah and may peace and blessing be upon his servant and Messenger Muhammad and on his household and all of his Companions.

Muhammad Was Sent To All Of Mankind

The first implication of the testimony that ...

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Amazing Interview with a 14 years old new Muslimah !

The way she speaks is really impressive .. after my conversation with her .. I thought that I must tell her the fact that she is very mature .. please read her words .. and distribute it .. read the story now !
Dear Sister .. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatu Allah sister , first ... Continue Reading

What Islam has done for me ?

I grew up in a home that really didn't have a set religon .... My mother a mormon and my father a Babtist. And then there is me. I never felt right in any of the place of religon that I visited.

That was until I found Islam. When I found it it was overwhelming. I just new.

It was like I ...

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Anne : From devoted Christian to devoted Muslim

Anne Collins is sharing her Reversion Story with IslamWay Readers.

I was raised in a religious Christian family. At that time, Americans were more religious than they are now-most families went to church every Sunday, for example .... My parents were involved in the church community. We often ... Continue Reading

Shadiyah Bey telling us how did she convert to Islam

As Salaamu Alaikum,

I wanted to share my story of when I became muslim again..... When I was about 10 years old I would go to church every Sunday so that I could sing. I just loved to sing, this was the year of 1971. 

When the time came for the preacher to give his sermon I was not very ...

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12 Proofs that Muhammad (Peace be upon him ) was a True Prophet

An Article written by Shaikh Abdur Rahman Abdul Khaliq My brothers and sisters everywhere! With this essay, I am not singling out the adherents of Islam - to which I ascribe - but rather I am writing this essay to every man and woman throughout the whole world.
I ask Allah that He facilitates ... Continue Reading

Former pastor, missionary, professor in Divinity choosed Islam !

Khadijah 'Sue' Watson - Former pastor, missionary, professor. Master's degree in Divinity "What happened to you !" ..... This was usually the first reaction I encountered when my former classmates, friends and co-pastors saw me after having embraced Islam.
I suppose I couldn't blame them, I ... Continue Reading

What do Muslims believe about Jesus?

Muslims respect and revere Jesus (peace be upon him) , and await his second coming. They consider him one of the greatest of God's messengers to mankind.... A Muslim never refers to him simply as `Jesus', but always adds the phrase "peace be upon him." The Qur'aan confirms his virgin birth ... Continue Reading

The Quran from the perspective of a non-Muslim

Robin Peters is a 44 years old lady who read the Quran and then she liked to comment on what she've read .. so let's see what did she say ..

The Koran is the Bible of Islam. Revealed to the world by Muhammad approximately 1,400 years ago, it is regarded by ... Continue Reading

What are the pillars of Islam?

The pillars of Islam are... 1- The belief (Imaan): That there is no God to be worshipped except Allaah (the one God) and that Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) is His Messenger.

2- Performing the prescribed prayers (Salaat): five times a day.

3- Fasting (Siyaam): Once ...
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