Zionism - XIII. Nazi Germany

Since 2008-07-01

Professor Israel Shahak of the Hebrew University spoke of his experiences during the days of World War II in Nazi Germany. He described the attitudes that many non-Zionist Jews had toward Jews who were collaborating with Nazis by saying that Jewish parents used to warn their children against Zionists. In the words of Professor Shahak: "As children during the Nazi period, we were told by our parents, if you come to crossroads and see Ukrainians, Germans, Poles, and Jewish militia- try the Jews last…" (in Christopher Hutchens, Prepared for the Worst. Hill and Wang, 1988. P. 30).

An example of the Zionists' callousness in dealing with their Jewish brethren and to realize the rational behind Professor Shahak's parents' advice is Mentor's (The United Jewish Appeal) refusal to pay for the transportation of a ship full of Jews who were escaping the war to Palestine by saying: "Many of the passengers are old people and women, unable to endure the harsh conditions on this type of trip… To come to Palestine are needed young men and women who understand the obligations of a Jewish national home… There could be no deadly ammunition than if Palestine were to be flooded with very old people or with undesirables." (Glubb, p.25).

If this is the kind of treatment the 'undesirable' Jewish population had received from the Zionist leaders in charge, how will the poor Palestinians be treated in the hands of such ruthless leaders? Why are human rights activists silent about these atrocities? Are they afraid of being labeled as anti-Semitic?

So if the Zionist leaders were inclined to reject their own people and leave them to the devastation of the war, to the agony of old age and disease because they were helpless women or elderly, how did they expect the Nazis to treat them? Mortality rate among infants and the elderly in the Jewish community in Germany rose to about 70%, as reported by Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld in his book, The Holocaust Victims Accuse (part I, p.44). This had taken place at a time when young Jews were carefully selected and trained in agriculture and military activities in Europe before being sent to Palestine. Such policies were reflections of the already discriminatory policy set by the Zionist leader who was to be the first president of the State of Israel, Dr. Chaim Weizmann. He stated: " Only the branch of the young shall survive…".

In his book Zionist Relations with Nazi Germany, Glubb cited episodes of negligence of needy and helpless Jews by the Zionist leaders who were in close contact with the International Zionist Movement. To give an example of this, he refers to a February 1943 Tel Aviv speech delivered by Yitzhak Greenbaum, Chairman of the Rescue Committee of European Jewry, in which the Zionist rescue official said: "they (Zionist Leaders) come to us with two plans - the rescue of the masses of Jews in Europe or the redemption of the land. The more said about the slaughter of our people, the greater the minimization of our efforts to strengthen and promote the Hebriazation of the land. If there would be a possibility today of buying packages of food (for starving Jews under Nazi rule) with the money of Keren Hayesod (United Jewish Appeal) to send it through Lisbon, would we do such a thing? No! And once again no" (p.26).

This being the mentality of the Zionist rescue officials, needless to say, the helpless children, old men and women were left to face their doom at the Nazi concentration camps or in the miserable ghettos under the control of Zionist leaders. These leaders were in close contact with World Zionist Organization and had strong relations with high-ranking Nazis. In the words of Qureshi, 'Any action taken regarding the Jewish people in those days was taken with the mutual consent of the Nazis and the Zionists. Both of them considered the Jews as a commodity fit for bartering, to be used as such to advance their heinous and ugly designs.' (The Holocaust: Myth and Reality, (P.36)).

Thus, there is no doubt that the Zionist leaders were directly involved in creating a lot of the suffering that the unwanted leftover Jewish masses went through during the WWII in German controlled areas. Brutality seems to be an inherent characteristic of the Zionist leaders as exemplified by their cruel treatment of the Palestinians and the reckless behavior they demonstrate towards internationally recognized bodies.

Dr. Abdallah H. Al-Kahtany
* from his book new zionism


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