The beginning of the development of Nations

Since 2012-12-23

Whoever received the month badly should bid farewell to it well, and the chance had not been lost yet. Be decisive with yourself and renew your pledge with your Lord. You should strike while the iron is hot and never belittle yourself because Allah is the One who breathes life into you.

 Dr. Khâlid Abu Shâdy: the last ten days are the beginning of the development of nations

Interviewer: Samâh Ibrâhîm
“Whoever received the month badly should bid farewell to it well, and the chance had not been lost yet. Be decisive with yourself and renew your pledge with your Lord. You should strike while the iron is hot and never belittle yourself because Allah is the One who breathes life into you. The heat of belief is still in your heart and the verses of the Quran of the night prayer are still recited by your tongue. In addition, the tears of fear [of Allah] are still on your both cheeks, and the health of Ramadan is still running throw your veins. Therefore, you should seize this revolution of faith to correct all of your defects now.
By these words, the famous preacher, Dr. Khâlid Abu Shâdy began his interview with (Ikhwan online) in order to give us a glimmer of hope, to ignite the sparks of enthusiasm, and to revive a revolution of faith. Through this, we can seize the last ten days of Ramadan for raising determinations, settling the feeling of responsibility towards society and countries, ending the sectarian strife, and making balance in carrying out the missionary, social, and political activity before and after Ramadan. The following is this matter in details:
A revolution against the soul:
The question: the month of Ramadan will end after few days. Therefore, how can we invest these days in order to revive a revolution of faith with positive gains for the youth, which effects shall remain after Ramadan?
The answer: the high demand should have a high determination to hold it. The expensiveness of the commodity depends on the sum of the price. The youth, in these last blessed days of Ramadan, should summon the spirit of enthusiasm and tame their will through the following five points:
-      To revolt against your soul and its points of corruption and evil. This will lead to a radical change and a new birth. How much we are in need of such a change, nowadays!
-      To sit alone with yourself and look into your old history of your sins. In addition, one should make the past as a ladder leading to a new dawn. He should raise the ceiling of his demands in order to achieve the highest rank of Paradise (Al-Firdaws).
-      Do not yield to your demon or lose your hope in regaining your faith. You should realize that battles are rivalry and changeable rounds, one for you and the other is for your enemy. As long as there is a breath in your chest (you are still alive), the battle is still going on. Therefore, you should recite the Quran and persist in performing righteous deeds.
-      Cooperation and correlation are main factors that the strong supports the weak, the righteous person strengthens the sinful one, and the diligent strengthens the heedless. Therefore, each one of them will find someone who stands beside him, helps, and supports him. Indeed, Satan is with the individual and is remote from the group. In addition, the help of Allah is with the congregation, and the troubles with the congregation are better than the serenity of the individual. Moreover, the individual is little by himself and great by his brothers, and the great goals of faith are not achieved except by many cooperative efforts.
The breakout of the good
Concerning the spread of the breakout of good, we should pay attention to the worries of others. We should ensure the continuity of the flow of our river of rewards, even after our death. In addition, we should carry the slogan, “The reform is necessary after achieving righteousness. Come on!” Each one should choose the goal that he seeks to achieve. The forerunners are the forerunners; therefore, you should seek the increase of the reward and hope to precede others to the fair women of Paradise. In addition, you should long to elevate your ranks over others’ and to be among the first row that meets the Prophet at the fountain. Hence, who, among you, will be in the front of the rows, and who will reserve his seat in the back rows?
Abandoned acts of worship
The question: some youth may be stricken with the feelings of apathy and the burden of performing acts of obedience. They would say, “What is the benefit of practicing acts of obedience as long as I will return to committing sins after Ramadan?” Therefore, how can we overcome such negative convictions?
The answer: the matter of feeling that the acts of obedience are burdens should have a decisive position. This is because acts of obedience pass by three stages which are suffering, accustoming, and enjoying.
Indeed, there is no way to reach the third stage which is the enjoyment except through the previous two stages; the stage of suffering or struggling and the stage of accustoming and habituating. That is why confining the soul and stopping taking actions are obstacles in the path of achieving any sought goals. Through this, we understand the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah, “The most beloved deeds to Allah are the continuous ones even if they are little.”  [Reported by Muslim]
«أحب الأعمال إلى الله تعالى أدومها وإن قل» رواه مسلم
Hence, my advice is the continuation and making use of all available means of companionship, environment, and the like of the useful means.
Hope and optimism of the change of the soul and the decisive certainty that tomorrow is better than today are heart feelings. In addition, the enjoyment of expecting the best from Allah as an abandoned worship and the hope which is accompanied with hard work are heart feelings, too. I think that such heart feelings are half the way of achieving the goal. Therefore, the absence of these feelings is the cause of the tardiness of many people and their withdrawal from the struggle against the soul and Satan. On the other hand, the strong presence of these heart feelings creates a turning point in the behavior of the slave towards Allah and towards other creatures. We do not forget what our beloved Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, taught us, “If a man says people perished, he will be the most perishing among them.” [Reported by Muslim]
«إذا قال الرجل: هلك الناس، فهو أهلكهم» رواه مسلم
Man is a captive of his belief and the good omen is the behavior of the prophets, the habit of the righteous, and the sign of the successful people.
Practical steps
The question: in the shade of the political movement going on in Egypt and the differences between the political trends and parties, how can we take advantage of Ramadan? How can we make use of it in order to acquire the attributes which should be characterized by the youth in order to protect the gained results of the revolution, the etiquette of dialogue, and in order to prevent the means of separation and distrust?
The answer: cultures of organizations are changed within 3-5 years; therefore, I think we need, in the following stage, to have:
a.    The adoption of culture and knowledge by the social and missionary organizations in order to be familiar with the etiquette of difference and the good manners of the scholars concerning this matter.
b.    The practice of being different by presenting Islamic examples and leaders.
c.    The non-repayment of the offence with a similar one, the spread of the culture of forgiveness and tolerance, and the repayment of meanness with kindness.
d.    The direction and formation of the public opinion through the preachers.
The question: how can the youth make balance between the missionary, social, and political work before and after Ramadan?
The answer: They can do that through organizing priorities. If you want to accomplish a task, give it to a busy man. Actually, this is a wise saying because the more burdens in the shade of the available challenges, the more marvelous chances are found which are not available to many people. Indeed, Allah tested us in the case of distress in order to see our patience and endurance. Therefore, this is the time for testing us in the case of the welfare. Hence, will the captive energies go out and will the hidden capabilities get free? This is what we hope, and the youth should follow the following steps:
Firstly, the readiness and planning for the goal because every minute you spend in planning will save from 5 to 10 minutes at the time of carrying out. Today, you are in a valuable month, its days are counted and its breaths are limited; therefore, you should realize the value of this rule.
Secondly, the establishment of a detailed plan before the beginning of the month in order to be sure of the effectiveness of the change in your acts of worship, your habits, and your convictions.
Thirdly, the struggle; which is to exert the utmost effort. Moreover, it is the only condition to achieve the guidance. In the verse, there is a piece of good news that by every step you take, Allah will bestow upon you great impacts of guidance, and changing your heart into the higher and purer condition. Indeed, it is the promise of Allah which is never broken that each exerted atom of effort and each broken-out drop of sweat will be corresponded to by Allah the Most Generous with what can never be imagined nor guessed by a human being. O my brother! What is important is to struggle and if you do not exert 100% of your effort, you will not be considered a struggler yet. In addition, the shore of guidance will be at your sight, but you will not be able realize it.
The fruits of the sincere ones
The question: how do you see the future of Egypt in the following stage?
The answer: I see it as a brilliant future and I think it is the fruits of the struggle of the sincere people during the last years and ages. Our Lord is truthful when He says,  And these towns (population, 'Ad, Thamud, etc.) We destroyed when they did wrong. And We appointed a fixed time for their destruction.} [Surat Al-Kahf 18:59]
{تِلْكَ الْقُرَىٰ أَهْلَكْنَاهُمْ لَمَّا ظَلَمُوا وَجَعَلْنَا لِمَهْلِكِهِم مَّوْعِدًا} الكهف: 59
Transliteration: Watilka alqura ahlaknahum lammathalamoo wajaAAalna limahlikihim mawAAidan
This is the appointed time, and I think that we will catch up with the developed countries within 15-20 years.
The Question: how can we make use of the energies of the youth?
The answer: This can happen through huge capacity projects which are adopted by the missionary and social institutions in order that these energies can change from the extemporary way to the organizational one and from personal experiments to general spirit.
The question: Dr. Khâlid Abu Shâdy, the preacher, the physician, and the citizen! If you are asked to send a telegraph, to whom will you send? And what will you write?
The answer: my words to the preachers are that the hearts are waiting for your light. The siege of darkness was lifted; therefore, you should show Allah the strength of yourselves. The battle of construction is still hard and long-termed, so, prepare yourselves for the great battle of construction and for the huge projects. These projects are strengthening faith in the hearts, improving the minds of people by the well understanding of religion. This is accompanied by connecting faith to construction and creed to deeds. In addition, we should teach the lost youth their religion, especially after the previous regime presented his people and preachers in the worst image. Therefore, Ramadan is a missionary treasure, this year in particular.
The question: what are the matters and issues which should be the base for the religious letter in the following stage?
The answer: the compliance with what Al-Fârûq ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattâb said, “People in their time are like their parents.” Therefore, I think it is inevitable to resort to development and creativity in the shade of adherence to principles and rules, especially because the original missionary letter of faith is missed. This kind of letter needs workshops and competitions between all preachers, as well as organizing contests in order to discover energies and talents.
Farewell to Ramadan (the last Ramadan to witness)
The question: how can we make the month of Ramadan of 2011 a stage of change?
The answer: you should feel that you will not live until next Ramadan; thus, you will fast it as a last Ramadan and you will perform the night prayer as a last prayer. Moreover, you will do the acts of the one who will travel to his grave at the end of the month. Worship is like the spirit; therefore, if it is performed without a spirit, the slave will feel suffocated even if he prayed and fasted or exerted enormous efforts. We should take from worship its ultimate purpose towards which Allah guides us.
Therefore, we should perform the acts of obedience of Ramadan this year differently. This is because obedience and worship are as a medication and treatment for the hearts and not just a chance for gaining reward. We can learn from the Quran the meditation and contemplation on its verses, and learn from fasting its tenderheartedness, purification, and controlling the excessive lust. In addition, we can get from the night prayer the struggle, the clearness of its Rak’as (prostrations), the tenderness of seeking forgiveness during it and the tears in its prostration.
The question: what are the pieces of advice you may offer for the youth of 25th January Revolution?
The answer: Revolutions usually witness anti-revolutions which aim at corrupting the real revolution. That is why we should strive and make every effort to confront the anti-revolution and to protect the gains of our revolution and fulfill its success. In addition, we should be ready for facing those who want to destroy it completely. Our revolution did not succeed except after we paid the expensive price which was the blood of our martyrs, the wounds of our patriots and the times of the apples of our eyes.
The question: what are the pieces of advice which you may say for those who intend to perform I’tikâf (seclusion for worship in the mosque) at the last ten nights of Ramadan?
The answer: the Muslim who performs I’tikâf should realize that Allah loves him. If He does not love him, He will not choose him to perform I’tikâf from among His creation. In addition, He will not facilitate enjoying supplicating and remembering Him, He will not free your time for serving Him and He will not give you from His Grace. Therefore, you should not respond to His blessing by your wrong deeds. The one who performs I’tikâf should be aware of the poisons of I’tikâf; the most important among them are;
Useless speech:
Holding your tongue from speaking uselessly is a protection for yourself from much of the sins. The Messenger of Allah, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, has said, “Whoever guarantees me (the chastity of) what is between his legs (i.e. his private parts), and what is between his jaws (i.e., his tongue), I guarantee him Paradise.” [Reported by Al-Bukhari]
«من يضمن لي ما بين لحييه وما بين رجليه، أضمن له الجنة» رواه البخاري
Excessive food:
The lack of food results in tenderness of the heart, submissiveness of the soul, weakness of whims and overcoming anger. In addition, it sets the person free from the chains of laziness and fuzziness. Therefore, we should take food as a means to help us work instead of taking it as a pretext of laziness. Do not let Satan seduce you from where he wants to destroy you.
Unnecessary companionship:
Many people are addicted to gatherings and intermixing with others until they lost the ability to perform any acts of obedience alone and far from people. The excessiveness of friends leads to speaking too much and evening entertainment. Thus, it leads to closing the way to the remembrance [of Allah] and opening the way to nonsense, the harshness of heart, disputes, arguments and wasting the reward. This if its performer was saved from the forbidden matters such as backbiting, calumny and other kinds of the illnesses of speech.
The question: what are the purposes of I’tikaf? And how can it treat the negative matters of the society?
The answer: I’tikaf is an enjoyable prison where the person can save himself from the most spreading and permeated lusts in our communities. Such lusts are smoking, listening to songs, befriending with bad companions, occupying the heart with ardent love, and watching what is prohibited on the television. This is in addition to other things which make the person as a slave of his desire, a captive of his whim, and under the control of his demon. Therefore, the period of I’tikaf comes in order to rescue the Muslim from the clutches of these destructive matters, and to let the light of guidance penetrate his heart; and this removes the darkness. In addition, worry and confusion are replaced by safety and calmness, and the soul enjoys the sweetness of faith for the first time.
The second purpose is checking the night of Al-Qadr, struggling for reaching the pleasure of the worship, and gets its reward. Allah says, {The night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is better than a thousand months (i.e. worshipping Allâh in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, i.e. 83 years and 4 months).} [Surat Al-Qadr 97:3]
{لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ} القدر: 3
Transliteration: Laylatu alqadri khayrun min alfi shahrin
Another reason of I’tikâf is reforming the heart by preserving the organs and learning asceticism. This is in addition to loving staying at the mosque in order to gain from this having a rest under the shade of the Throne.
The third purpose will be Ikhlâs (sincerity). The one who loves seclusion [for worship] will be holding the pillar of sincerity. Seclusion is the water which irrigates the tree of sincerity in the heart. If it is absent, hypocrisy flourishes and conceit grows.
The question: How do you view the movement of the youth towards dealing with the starvation in Somalia?
The answer: The starvation of Somalia and the issue of Palestine were the motives for the Egyptian Youth and the Arab people. Everyone hastened to save them as if they are just one body; when one of the limbs is afflicted, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever. Such calamities forced us to stand side by side in order to protect them against harm as they are part of the body of the nation. Among the forms of the initiative which we founded was that the amount of the donations of Al-Arqam Mosque in Nasr-city exceeded 1 million and 350 thousand pounds during 4 days only. This proves that the awareness of the youth is still going on and it did not stop at Tahrîr Square.
The question: How can we establish the concepts of patriotism and feeling of responsibility towards community in the minds of our youth?
The answer: This matter requires a community effort in which all the institutions of society cooperate. In addition, the family will perform the greatest role in bringing children up on the principle of holding the responsibility. Moreover, the family should entrust them with tasks since their childhood, and accustom them to loving the good and serving others in order to strengthen such feelings. This will be in addition to the religious and informative awareness of the importance of preferring the public interest to the private one. This goes along with taking into consideration that establishing the general behavior in society begins from the mosque in order to create responsible human examples which can lead the society.


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