How to observe prayer upon the deceased and enshroud him?

Since 2012-11-23

This is a digest about washing the deceased, enshrouding him and burying him.

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. And I testify that there is no God except Allah alone; there is no partner to Him and He is the Lord of the first and last. And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger; he is the last messenger and the leader of the pious. Prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, his family, his companions and whoever follows them straightly till the Day of Judgment.

This is a digest about washing the deceased, enshrouding him and burying him.
However, before starting the topic, we would like to introduce these paragraphs:
1- Washing the deceased Muslim, enshrouding him and burying him is sufficiency duty: therefore, whoever intends to observe this duty should intend performing it to gain its reward from Allah almighty. On the other hand, the infidel is not to be washed, enshrouded or buried with the Muslims.
2- The washer is entrusted with the deceased; therefore, he must observe his duty perfectly.
3- The washer is entrusted with the deceased; therefore, he should not reveal anything bad he might see.
4- The washer is entrusted with the deceased; therefore, he should not allow anybody to enter upon the deceased, during the washing, except whomever he needs for help in turning the deceased, pouring water over him … etc,
5- The washer is entrusted with the deceased; therefore, he should be kind and modest in his dealing with him, and not to be violent or hateful during taking off his clothes, bathing him … etc,
6- The man should not wash a deceased woman unless she is his wife, and the woman should not give bath to a deceased man unless he is her husband. However, if the deceased person is younger than seven years old, it may be bathed by a man or woman, whether it is male or female.
7- It is desirable for the washer to take a shower, after washing the deceased, as he does after having sexual intercourse. If he did not take bath then it’s alright.
How to wash to the deceased person:
The duty is to wash all the body of the deceased with water till it becomes pure; however, it is best to do the following:
1- To put the deceased, on the place of washing, inclined towards his legs.
2- To wrap a piece of clothes over the private parts of the deceased, from naval to knees, before taking off his clothes, in order not to have his private parts revealed after taking off the clothes.
3- To kindly take off his garments.
4- The washer should wrap a piece of clothes round his hands to wash the private parts of the deceased person, without revealing him, till it be pure, then he should throw this piece of clothes.
5- He should wet a piece of clothes with water to clean the teeth and nose of the deceased person.
6- He should wash the face of the deceased and his hands to the elbows and wipe his head and wash his feet to the heels. He should start with the right hand before the left one and the right foot before the left one.
7- Not to let water enter the mouth or nose of the deceased; it is enough to clean them with a piece of clothes.
How to enshroud the deceased:
The duty is to wrap the deceased in a piece of clothes to enshroud all his body; however, it is best to do the following:
1- The male deceased should be enshrouded in three white garments, each one of them is above the other. The deceased should be put over the garments, and then the right end of the upper garment should be put on the deceased’s chest before putting the left end. The same should be done with the second and third garments, and then the ends of the garments at the head and legs should be gathered and tied.
2- The garments should be scented with Bukhur and drops of Hanoot (i.e. mix of perfumes for the deceased people) should be put in its folds.
3- Drops of Hanoot should be put on the face of the deceased and the parts of his prostration in prayer.
4- Cotton scented with Hanoot should be put on his eyes, nose and lips.
5- Cotton scented with Hanoot should be put in between his buttocks and tied with a piece of clothes.
6- The female deceased should be enshrouded in five garments; Izar, veil, shirt and two covers. However, if she is enshrouded like man it is also allowed.
7- The ties of the garments should be untied at putting the deceased in the grave.
How to observe prayer upon the deceased person:
1- Prayer should be observed upon the deceased Muslim, whether he is young or old, and whether it is a male or female.
2- Prayer should be observed upon the deceased fetus, which is older than four months, and it should be treated like the older deceased_ it should be bathed and enshrouded before observing prayer upon it.
3- However, if the deceased fetus is less than four months old, prayer should not be observed upon it, because the soul is not blown in it yet. It should not be bathed or enshrouded; rather it could be buried in any place.
4- At observing prayer on the deceased person, imam should stand at the head of the deceased man and the waist of the deceased woman, and people should stand behind the imam.
5- Imam should pronounce Takbir four times, in his prayer upon the deceased. After the first Takbir, he should recite Surat Al-Fatiha after saying Ta’awuz and Basmalah.
After the second Takbir, he should observe prayer upon the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) and say: “O Allâh, send prayers upon Muhammad and the followers of Muhammad, just as You sent prayers upon Ibrahîm and upon the followers of Ibrahîm. Verily, You are full of praise and majesty. O Allâh, send blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad, just as You sent blessings upon Ibraheîm and upon the family of Ibrahîm. Verily, You are full of praise and majesty.”
After the third Takbir, he should supplicate for the deceased person, and it is better to say the supplication that is said by the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him); however, if he did not know it, he could supplicate saying whatever he knows.
After the fourth Takbir, he should stand a little then end the prayer by Taslim. And if he said before Taslim: “Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire” is also allowed.
How to bury the deceased:
1- The duty is to bury the deceased person in a grave makes him safe from the predatory animals while lying toward Qiblah, and it is better to make the grave as deep as possible.
2- It is better to make the grave Lahd by digging, for the deceased, a cavity in the bottom of it towards Qiblah
3- It is permissible to make the grave Shiq by digging, for the deceased, a cavity in the middle of the grave’s bottom; if it was necessary for some reason, such as softness of earth.
4- The deceased should be put in his grave on his right side toward Qiblah.
5- Mud bricks should be erected on the deceased and the gapes that are between them should be blocked by mud; in order not to let dust be poured over the deceased.
6- Then, the grave should be covered with dust, and it should not be raised or built with gypsum or other materials.
7- It is not permissible to bury in three times; if the sun rose (till it goes up about a spear), if it stood at noon (till it goes), and if there is only about the distance of spear in the sky before its set (till it sets). The periods of the first and last times are about 15 minutes whereas the period of the second time is about seven minutes.
Compiled by: Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaimin in 2/2/1402 A.H.
And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
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