Do you uphold observing prayer in the Masjid

Since 2012-11-14

He Almighty said: {Guard strictly (five obligatory) As-Salawât (the prayers) especially the middle Salât (i.e. the best prayer - ‘Asr ). And stand before Allâh with obedience [and do not speak to others during the Salât (prayers)]} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:238]


All praise is due to Allah, and prayers and peace of Allah be upon the Messenger of Allah.
The most precious thing Muslim has, in his life, is time. Therefore, if he spent it in obeying Allah, he would be successful. On the other hand, if he wasted it in performing acts of disobedience or trivial things, he would be wrongful. Today, the Muslim youth need guidance to invest their time in whatever leads to Allah’s satisfaction and Paradise. Furthermore, the Muslim leaders should recognize their role, know their duties and responsibilities and get fortified by the useful knowledge, good deeds, righteous upbringing and the prophetic model, in order not to be hurt by the enemies’ cunning and the arrows of the stray and the whims of the corrupted.
O Muslim boy, these lines are a series of fiducial guidance for exalting the life of the Muslim boy. And in these meetings, we will deal (by the will of Allah) with a piece of guidance, and will try to be accustomed with it till the building is built with this guidance that we wish it to be bricks in the whole body of the pious young Muslim.
Dear young Muslim brother, read and consider, then apply and practice, to gain the great good, by the will of Allah.
Do you observe all the prayers in the Masjid in congregation? Indeed, the congregational prayer is obligatory upon the men.
Bin Mas’ûd (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “And I witnessed a time in which none among us could stay behind prayer but a hypocrite his hypocrisy is known. And a man may be brought, supported by two men, till he is placed in the row” [Reported by Muslim].
«ولقد رأيتنا وما يتخلف عنها إلا منافق معلوم النفاق. ولقد كان الرجل يؤتى به يهادى بين الرجلين حتى يقام في الصف»  رواه مسلم
Therefore, you should organize your work and study according to the times of the obligatory prayers. Moreover, you should care for performing the prayer in its time and attending the first Takbirah with the Imam. Actually, the righteous forefathers said: “If you saw a man underestimates attending the first Takbirah, you should neglect him.” And Allah Almighty said: {Verily, As-Salât (the prayer) is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours} [Surat An-Nisâ` 4:103],
{إِنَّ الصَّلاةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى المُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَابًا مَوْقُوتًا} النساء: 103
Transliteration:inna alssalata kanat AAala almumineena kitaban mawqootan
and He Almighty said: {Guard strictly (five obligatory) As-Salawât (the prayers) especially the middle Salât (i.e. the best prayer - ‘Asr ). And stand before Allâh with obedience [and do not speak to others during the Salât (prayers)]} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:238].
{حَافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ وَالصَّلاةِ الوُسْطَى وَقُومُوا للهِ قَانِتِينَ} البقرة: 238
Transliteration: Hafithoo AAala alssalawati waalssalati alwusta waqoomoo lillahi qaniteena
And it is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayra (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “He who goes to Masjid or comes back from it, Allah will prepare for him a house in Paradise whenever he goes or comes back”(reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
And it is narrated on the authority of Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The similitude of five prayers is like an overflowing river passing by the gate of one of you in which he washes five times daily” [Reported by Muslim].
«مثل الصلوات الخمس كمثل نهر جار غمر على باب أحدكم . يغتسل منه كل يوم خمس مرات» رواه مسلم
And it is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayra (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Five prayers and from one Friday prayer to (the next) Friday prayer is an expiation (of the sins committed in between their intervals) if major sins are not committed” [Reported by Muslim].
«الصلاة الخمس والجمعة إلى الجمعة، كفارة لما بينهن ما لم تغش الكبائر» رواه مسلم
And the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever hears the call for prayer and does not answer it, there is no prayer for him (i.e. his prayer will not be accepted) unless he has an excuse” [Reported by Ibn Majah and declared authentic by Al-Albâni].
«من سمع النداء فلم يأته فلا صلاة له، إلا من عذر» رواه ابن ماجه وصححه الألباني
Did the order of your Lord become trivial in your eyes? You hear the caller calls ‘come to prayer, come to prosper’, and you do not respond! Are you not ashamed of Allah?
Dear beloved brother, do not deprive yourself and deprive the others from this reward; do not deprive them from advice and accompanying them to the Masjid. You should invite your brothers, neighbors and colleagues in the work, university or school and whomever you meet in your way to the Masjid and prayer; indeed, “he who guides to good will gain reward equal to the reward of its doer” [Authenticated by Al-Albani].
«إن الدال على الخير كفاعله» صححه الألباني
When you are in the Masjid, you should guard its etiquettes and be cheerful, lenient and modest. Moreover, you should greet whomever you know or do not know, and you should respect who is older than you and show mercy toward who is younger than you. Also, you should ask about your brothers, visit who is absent, teach who is ignorant, listen to who advises, and participate in the acts of goodness and righteousness.
Prayer … Prayer
- It is the greatest pillar in Islam after the two testimonies.
- It is the order of Allah and the most important issue in Islam.
- It is the mirror of Muslim’s deeds and the scale of glorifying the religion in the Muslim’s heart.
- It is the way of the believers and the slogan of the successful.
- It is nearness with Allah and school of morals.
- It is comfort, happiness, and delight of the eye, light and proof.
- It is a divine gift and one of the acts of guidance.
- It is thanking for the bounties of Allah and enraging to the disbelievers.
- It is deterrent to the evils and protector from the whims.
- It is expiation to the sins and obliterator to the wrong deeds.
- It is a shelter and protector to the believer in the hard times.
- It is a way for gaining provision and a key for having guidance.
- It is safety from the torment of the grave.
- It is lift to the ranks.
By: Mustafa Diyab


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