Sûrat Al-Baqarah (The Cow)

سُورة البقرة هي أطول سور القرآن الكريم. وقيل: هي أول سورة نزلت في المدينة و عدد آياتها 286 و هي السورة الثانية من حيث الترتيب في المصحف

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Ramadan and Fasting

The word Ramadaan comes from the noun Ramad, which refers to “the heat of the stones arising from the intense heat of the sun.” The ninth month was named Ramadaan because when the Arabs changed the names of the months from the ancient language, ...
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What Does Islam Say About Life's Purpose?

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself these questions?.. What is the purpose of everything?, How did we get here?, What does it all mean?, What is the meaning of Life? ... more

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