Tag: celebration

Ramadan Concludes..What happens now?

The end of Ramadan ushers in one of two major celebrations in the Islamic calendar. A day of festivities called Eid ul Fitr. ... more

Christmas and the Paganisation of Christianity

Ignorantly they have assumed that Christmas is typically associated with nationalism rather than theology, and in their fervent desire to assimilate into a British identity... ... more

Ruling on joining in the kaafir festivals

It is not permissible to join in the kaafir festivals for the following reasons:... ... more

Do Muslims Celebrate Easter and Christmas?

In these days of excess entertainment and consumption, it is easy to get caught up in the so-called "holiday season", rarely stopping to consider its significance. ... more

Can We Celebrate Holidays?

Muslims were told by Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, they have two (2) occasions for celebration: Eid Al Fitar and Eid Al Adha (end of Ramadan and end of hajj). ... more

Valentine's Day

In the last few years the phenomenon of imitating the Christian in celebrating with what is called valentine's day spread in our Islamic societies especially among young men and women......!!! ... more

Warning against the celebration of the Christmas

The birth date of Jesus (peace be upon him) is not definitely known as there is no evidence for that, even if it is known, did Jesus order the people to celebrate his birthday?? And even if he ordered the people to celebrate his birthday ... more

Mother's day

When the mothers, who are resident in elderly house, were asked about their wish, all of them said "death", this wish expresses their feeling of defeating, sadness and isolation because their sons abandoned them at the time they need every help. ... more

The Birthday of the seal of Prophets

"Whoever innovates anything in this matter of ours (i.e., Islam), that is not part of it will be rejected." [Agreed upon]. ... more