Polygamy is a blessing not an Adversity

Let everyone of us imagine that his sister or daughter has missed the train of marriage for any reason, or let everyone imagine the situation of the widow or the divorced that Allah Almighty preordained her to be in this condition. Who will embark upon marrying such women? ... more

O sister! What do you know about intermingling?

O sister! O pearl that Islam has cherished in her bud… has honored in her early childhood and forbidden her to be buried alive upon birth… has magnified her status that she become the key to Paradise for the fathers. ... more

The repentant women to Allah

These are the stories of some repentant women of the famous and non-celebrities; which I wrote for every girl who wants life... who aspires for happiness... who wishes to survive... before death and after death ... more

Sister ... Where is your place in history?

A closer look into history shows the extent of the vast difference between the determination of the ancestor women, and the state of the women of this age except for those who Allah has mercy on! ... more

The Muslim woman path to happiness

The most important thing that characterizes Muslims; whether a man or a woman, whose hearts are attached to Allah, and who apply His Shari'a (set of laws) in their lives, is the psychological ease and inward tranquility. ... more

Ten stops for women in Ramadan

These are some concise words and precious calls which we give as a present to the Muslim women and the believing young women on the occasion of the coming of the month of Ramadan. ... more

Women's role in society's reform

After seeking help and guidance from Allah almighty; I would say that women's role in society's reform is an important one, because reforming society has two shapes... ... more

How to be a good wife?

The Prophet, Prayers and peace of Allâh be upon him, also said: “If a woman offers her five (daily prayers) and fasts her month and guards her private parts and obeys her husband, it will be said to her: Enter Paradise from whichever of its gates you wish.” ... more

Dear Muslim sister, where do you spend your time?

The Islamic Shari’ah has obliged the Muslim girl to invest her time in what benefits her with profit and right. ... more

Ten whispers for women

These words are forwarded to the granddaughters of Asmâ', the daughter of Abu Bakr, in their state of purity, chastity, and honor. They are for those who are walking on the path of Aisha and Hafsa (the wives of the Prophet), and Sumayyah (the first martyr in Islam), to the pure, pious, and chaste. ... more

Who are the happy people?

O you who wear the pants and unveiling outfits in front of men and women, O you who wear the tight gowns, who compile your hear over your head and go out putting on perfume, O you who seduce men; beware of a severe threat. ... more

How can you be stimulated to exploit Ramadan

My Muslim sister: let’s try the following to be stimulated to exploit Ramadan in performing acts of obedience... ... more

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