
it is (Death!) Destroyer of creatures... Desolator of countries... Maker of orphans... Degrader of the strong tyrants... It does not know the young... It does not distinguish between the mean and the honorable... It does not show favor for those of sublim ... more

Your Provision for Leaving

My dear brother: we need so much to have a reflective pause about the fact of death; this bitter fact by which man leaves one life to another and departs from one home to another. ... more

People and the worldly life

People in this worldly life are categorized into two;... ... more

The Life of Muhammad

The Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, has realized the reality of this worldly life. He, therefore, made it as a gate to the Hereafter. He lived in it the life of a stranger and a wayfarer, who is on a permanent walking and a continuous travelling. ... more

Dear Muslim sister, where do you spend your time?

The Islamic Shari’ah has obliged the Muslim girl to invest her time in what benefits her with profit and right. ... more

What do you know about secularism?

Secularism refers to many meanings including; universality, worldly, and separating religion from the state, policy or life. This word (secularism) is a western terminology refers to the victory of (knowledge) over the Christian church that fought development by the name of the religion. ... more

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