Tag: buy

Why we should boycott America

boycotting is a peaceful lethal weapon. It is used against the abusers of our Prophet, Muhammad, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him. ... more

The phenomenon of cheating

The phenomenon of cheating is widespread in society. What is the attitude of Islam towards this phenomenon? ... more

Does Your Green Have Deen?

7 Ways to Increase Your Wealth Whilst Coming Closer to Allah... ... more

Ethics of Going out to the Market

"The most lovable places on Earth to Allah are its mosques, and the most despised places on Earth to Allah are its markets." [Reported by Muslim] ... more

Trade: Regulations and Etiquettes

Trade is one of the important things in life; people’s life cannot be easy without trade. In life, the man needs many things; such as food, drink, clothes, houses, furniture, vehicles …etc. ... more

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