Tag: Rajab

Month of Rajab and Sacred Months

At the beginning of Islam, Allaah The Almighty prescribed prohibiting fighting in the sacred months. ... more

Rulings Related to the Month of Rajab (2)

Thus, one should seize the opportunity of doing great good deeds in this month. That is because filling its times with the acts of worship really has great virtues. ... more

Rulings Related to the Month of Rajab (1)

There are many rulings related to the month of Rajab. Some of them existed in the pre-Islamic era and scholars differed regarding their continuation after Islam such as the prohibition of killing and slaughtering certain sacrifices. ... more

The Sacred month of Rajab

The sacred months have a great status in Islam, including the sacred Month of Rajab so we should observe the sacredness of these months and be careful not to commit sins during them because of their special rank. ... more

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