A tear in Ramadan
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Praise only be to Allah, and
peace and blessings be on his last Prophet, and so:
I shed a tear in Ramadan on
those who don't consider the sacredness of the month, and his
virtues and merits, not only they meet it- as the other months- by
sins and violations, but also they became farer from God -the
Almighty- also they invented different types of sins and
abominations, to deprive themselves and others from the heavy rain
of rewards, they make the preparations to fight the God of the
heavens and earth, and the Prophet (pbuh) was truthful in
explaining the difference between people in preparing for Ramadan
as the Prophet (pbuh) said: "There is no month which passed by the
Muslims better than Ramadan, and that because of the strength that
they prepare for worship, and what the hypocrites prepare of
people's inattention and roughness, it is a blessing for the
believer and a curse on the disbeliever" [Narrated by Ahmad - Al
Baihaky and corrected by Ahmad Shaker]
A tear in Ramadan on those who waste the obligated prayers, as they
sleep at the time of prayers at some time, delay it other time, and
leave it sometime.
A tear in Ramadan on those who
disgrace Fasting sacredness, by their obscenity and bad morals, as
they insult, curse, steal, backbite, and lie on people. And if you
advised someone he argues that this is because of the Fasting!! As
if Fasting is the reason behind these disadvantages, and they are
unaware about the opinion of Fasting, its benefits, and its great
rewards, and the most important benefits are: Devotion occurrence
as God says: "O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting
as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become
righteous" [Al Baqara 2:183]
Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū
Kutiba `Alaykumu Aş-Şiyāmu Kamā Kutiba `Alá Al-Ladhīna Min Qablikum
La`allakum Tattaqūna
And does the devotion call for
insulting, cursing, injustice and aggression? For that Allah's
Apostle said: "Whoever doesn't give up forged speech and evil
actions, Allah is not need of his leaving his food and drink (i.e.
Allah will not accept his fasting)" [Narrated by Bukhari], so may
God have mercy on you know the reality of Fasting.
A tear in Ramadan on the
women, who go out to pray Al Taraweh prayer while they are adorned,
incensed, scented, showily, and wearing their most beautiful
dresses, and the Prophet (pbuh) said: "Don't prevent the female
servants of Allah from visiting the mosques of Allah, but they may
go out (to the mosque) having no perfumed themselves." [Narrated by
Abu Dawood and AlAlabany said the hadith is Hasan Sahih]
And the Prophet (pbuh) said: "Whoever (woman) fumigates herself
with perfume shouldn't join us in the 'Isha prayer" [Narrated by
A tear in Ramadan on those who waste the month on watching the
channels of satellite TV, and no satellite TV which spread
debauchery, nakedness, and buffoonery, and their madness,
debauchery and buffoonery increase in that precious month to fight
the virtues and violate the nation's constants and
Al-Watan House
Translated by Wathakker website
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