
Since 2012-11-08

Mutraf said: "To sleep the night waking up in regret is better for me than staying up all night praying and rise in the morning admiring myself for what I did."

الفاتحة: 5


The arrogant does not apply “and You we ask for help” [Al-Fatiha 1:5]

الفاتحة: 5


الفاتحة: 5


Has escaped Rya’, and whoever observes “and You we ask for help” have escaped arrogance.” [Al-Fatiha 1:5]

الفاتحة: 5


التوبة: 25


الحشر: 2


This was Allah’s response to the infidels pride with their forts and castles. Allah almighty also said while they think that they are doing well in work.” [Al-Kahf 18:104]

الكهف: 104


The Messenger of Allah -peace be upon him- said: The Prophet said, "While a man was walking, dragging his dress with pride, Allah will make earth swallow him and will go on sinking with a tumble in it till the Day of Resurrection." [Reported by Al-Bukhari]

رواه البخاري

رواه مسلم

  • Ignorance, surprisingly some people are admired by their deeds, knowledge of disputed matters and scholars opinions, but if he knew that his admiration to his knowledge perceives his ignorance he wouldn’t be admiring himself. “Admiration sickness is total ignorance and its remedy emerges from acquiring the knowledge that opposes this ignorance only.”
  • Lack of devoutness and piety
  • Neglecting that Allah is watching over you
  • Lack of sincere advisor
  • Bad intention and wicked self
  • People praising someone too much which assists the devil on deluding him
  • Fascination with worldly affairs, following vain desires and the deluding evil self
  • Lack of contemplation, if he did contemplate he would be sure every blessing under his disposal is from Allah Almighty
  • Lack of gratitude to Allah Almighty
  • Lack of remembrance of Allah Almighty
  • Lack of pondering on the Qur’an and Sunnah
  • Feeling safe, destined away from Allah’s Almighty plot and relying on his forgiveness and pardon


فصلت: 15



الحجرات: 13



سبأ: 35


الكهف: 34


رواه البخاري

فاطر: 8


الكهف: 104
