Category: Da'wah to Non-Muslims

Truth by a Man Known as Salman the Persian

A great story that inspiring everyone to search for the truth objectively. ... more

Morals and Ethics in Islam

A beautiful illustration of Morals and a magnificent visualization of Ethics in Islam. Discover the beauty of Islam. ... more

Why Islam? Proof of Modern Science

Why an intellectual embraces Islam? In this amazing book we enjoy a magnificent journey through scientific approach to discover the truth. ... more

Nobility of Islamic Brotherhood

Islamic brotherhood is deeper and stronger than to be broken by an argument or a disagreement. Learn how Companions and their Followers demonstrated the nobility of Islamic brotherhood.

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The Mountain Pass

Although the Prophet was of the most eminent of the society of Quraish, he sat with the slaves and with poor people. After the Prophet had passed away, Abou Bakr and Umar, may Allah be pleased with them, went out to visit old women in their houses and find out what they needed to enliven this Sunnah of the Prophet. Why? Because it allowed knowledge to enter the hearts of people in a way that no annual conference or any speeches would enter their hearts.

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