Category: Tafsir (Interpretation)

Explanation of the Last Tenth of the Holy Quran

A precious resource for explanation of the last tenth of the Holy Quran followed by rulings that concern every Muslim. This book is a result of great efforts from group of Scholars and the whole book was supervised by Tafisr website. ... more

Introduction to The Principles of Tafsir By Ibn Taymiyyah

A well-known reference to get involved in the knowledge of Tafisr of the Holy Qur'an. The book was written by Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah the Almighty blessed him) and compiled by Shaykh Ibn Uthayman (may Allah the Almighty blessed him). ... more

The Spiritual Cure

An explanation to Surah al-Fatihah ... more

Stories of the Qur'an

1. The Story of Habil and Qabil (Abel and Cain)2. Harut and Marut3. Dwellers of the Town4. Story of the Heifer5. Moses and AI-Khadir6. The Story of Qarun (Korah)7. Bilqis (Queen of Sheba)8. The Story ... more
Books Since 2014-03-11

Juz by Juz - Part by Part

This humble summary of the Qur’an in 30 sections known as Juz (pl. Ajzaa) has been compiled in order to help us develop kushoo’ (attentiveness) and enrich our prayers when listening to the ... more