Allah Does not Look at Your Apperance

What really matters is our deeds. Beautiful article which drives us to consider the importance of having pure heart and doing good deeds which also will be reflected in the way we look to others. ... more

Deterring people from backbiting (Gheebah)

Definition of Gheebah:

When the Prophet  was asked about backbiting, he answered: «To mention your brother in a manner which he dislikes». Then he  was asked, “What if my brother actually has (this failing) that I made mention of?” The Prophet said: «If (that failing) is actually found in your ...

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Promises, Promises

As Muslims, our word should be our bond, and if we make promises, then we should also make sure that we keep them, for Allah says, "...Surely every promise shall be questioned about." [17:39] ... more

The Muslimah & Her Community

Wherever the Muslimah is, she should be a beacon of guidance and a positive source of correction and education, through both her words and deeds. ... more

Recognizing the Bounds of Our Mannerisms

Manners have limits. When these limits are crossed, this is transgression. When they are fallen short of, this is deficiency and disgrace. ... more

Eat and Drink But Waste Not By Extravagance

It is noted on most of fasting people that they make the season of Ramadan as a season of the banquets which are full of different kinds of food; and that they are extremely extravagant in this matter. ... more

A Message to Every Male & Female Student

Knowledge is too much and your hearts will never collect it all. So seek the best and most important of it. ... more

Dear Neighbor Sister

Dear Neighbor Sister, did you hear her story? Did you know about her? Did you know why she had lost? She prays the obligatory prayers, fasts, prays Tahajud, gives charity and does numerous good deeds. So, why did she lose? ... more

Children Breeding

Children are the adornment of the life of this world and one of the boons of Allah almighty that none knows its value except who had been prevented from it. They are trusts we will be asked by Allah whether we have kept them or lost them. ... more

Among the Ethics of Shopping

My Muslim sister: following is a number of the indispensable precious advices. They are ethics by which you preserve virtue and chastity. ... more

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