Muslim Youth: Get Strong If You’ve to Be Different

As Muslims living in the modern world we have to interact. Today is not a time for isolation. The world needs good people to step up and make a stand, have a voice and be a power of good, and as individuals our faith increases when we live Islam, not just talk about it. ... more

Hold Your Head Up High

Each of your breaths is a priceless jewel, and when it passes away it never returns. ... more

Putting Off Saying Shahadah

Allah in His mercy and compassion promised those who sincerely obey Him that He will guide them. ... more

Learn From Allah's Patience

«None is more patient in the face of offense than God. People say He has a son, but He continues to protect them and provide for them» (Bukhari). ... more

If the Prophet Visited You!

I wonder... If the Prophet Visited You! ... more

The Art of Youth Empowerment

The difference between the Prophet's attitude and that of many of us is as great as the difference between building and destroying, empowering and undermining ... more

{Do not weaken and do not grieve}

During these unsettled conditions; the believer might forget some issues that he should take into his consideration, thus, we should remind of them frequently lest the righteous mislead the right path. ... more

New Muslims: How to Be Productive?

You are now a Muslim, but you do not have to close the doors on yourself and ignore the world: have dreams and work hard to achieve them. ... more

Effects of Tawhid on Human Life

Let us study the effects which the belief in La ilaha illallah has on the life of a man and see why he should always make a success of life and why one who denies it becomes a failure in life, both here and in the hereafter. ... more

The Unique Quranic Generation -Part2/2-

At one time this Message created a generation - the generation of the Companions of the Prophet, may God be pleased with them - without comparison in the history of Islam, even in the entire history of man. After this, no other generation of this caliber was ever gain to be found. It is true that we do find some individuals of this caliber here and there in history, but never again did a great number of such people exist in one region as was the case during the first period of Islam. ... more

The Unique Quranic Generation -Part1/2-

At one time this Message created a generation - the generation of the Companions of the Prophet, may God be pleased with them - without comparison in the history of Islam, even in the entire history of man. After this, no other generation of this caliber was ever gain to be found. It is true that we do find some individuals of this caliber here and there in history, but never again did a great number of such people exist in one region as was the case during the first period of Islam. ... more

Calling to Islam in the best Manners

According to many scholars in this field, the term Da'wah (call to Islam) applies to conveying the message of Islam to non-Muslims and inviting them to Allaah. Non-practicing and lost Muslims need to be reeducated and motivated to become better Muslims; they already know Allaah Almighty and have been given the concept of Tawheed (monotheism). Some objectives of Da'wah are as follows. ... more

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