Category: Urging to acts of obedience

Last Ramadan

A reminder about death and valuable opportunities like Ramadan to gain rewards and to be so close to Allah the Almighty. ... more

Allah Does not Look at Your Apperance

What really matters is our deeds. Beautiful article which drives us to consider the importance of having pure heart and doing good deeds which also will be reflected in the way we look to others. ... more

The Breeze of Ramadan

A beautiful reminder and a glaring advice of the value of Ramadan, every Muslim has to make full advantage to welcome this great blessing and this great opportunity. ... more

(1) Introduction

As humans, we tend to attain pleasure from success and high status, and if the success is to do with trade, we get even more excited and put our heart and soul into reaching that goal. ... more
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Free Mixing Between Men And Women

All praise due to Allah the most gracious the most merciful

Allah Almighty said,

{وَإِذَا سَأَلْتُمُوهُنَّ مَتَاعًا فَاسْأَلُوهُنَّ مِن وَرَ‌اءِ حِجَابٍ ذَٰلِكُمْ أَطْهَرُ‌ لِقُلُوبِكُمْ ...

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Getting closer to Allah in Ramadan

I urge you, my brothers and sisters, do not miss any day of fasting and do not miss any moment of the blessed month of Ramadan. This is a very precious time and Allah will give us many benefits if we use it in the proper way. ... more

Slacking in acts of worship during Ramadan

Beware of slacking in acts of worship during the Month of Ramadan ... more

Ramadan: The Month of Deeds

“On the first night of Ramadan, the devils and rebellious jinn are bound in chains; the gates of hell are closed, none of them remains open and the gates of Paradise are opened until not a single gate remains closed.” ... more

Ways to help oneself pray Qiyaam al-Layl

What are some ways that help to pray Qiyam Allayl or tahajjud??

Praise be to Allaah.
There are many things that one can do to help oneself pray qiyaam al-layl, among which are the following:
1 – Being sincere towards Allaah, as He has commanded us to be sincere towards Him ...
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Voluntary Deeds

Allah the Almighty has said, 'My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him.' [Reported by Al-Bukhari] ... more

How to Acquire Good Manners?

So a strong person is not someone who wrestles with people and overpowers them, He is someone ?who controls himself in times of anger.? He takes hold of himself and restrains himself during instances when he becomes angry. ... more

Are You Looking For Great Treasures?

My fasting brother, I put between your hands great treasures about fasting, so hasten to performing good deeds… ... more